Video port, no signal with new mobo


Limp Gawd
Jun 15, 2003
I just installed a new mobo and CPU and when I turn everything on I get no video signal to my monitor. With the previous mobo, I had disabled the integrated video port, because I had installed a graphics card into one of my PCI slots.

I have the PCI card installed on the new mobo, and I've tried both ports, but neither are providing a signal with the new mobo.

Have I forgotten something? I'm about 99% certain that the CPU and RAM are seated properly.

Please help!
Id check my BIOS settings to make sure that you have disabled onboard video, if your mobo has it, and have PCI enabled.

What are the specs/brand, etc. of the new mobo and of the video card?

Does the new mobo have an AGP or PCI-E slot? Maybe that is set as the default instead of just the PCI slots or onboard.

Do you have your old parts? Do they still work? Can you test the video card on another system?
All of my experiences with no video signal have led me to a ram issue, do you have the Ram installed in A1-B1 slots? if so try putting them in A1-A2 then B1-B2.

Also tell us what components you have that would give us a better indication on what were dealing with.
Sorry for wasting everyones time. After a careful look at my power connections, I found the problem to more than simple. You know that little thing called the CPU? Well, it needs power and I forgot to plug it in. A big Duh! And again, I'm sorry. :rolleyes: