Video overlay on Windows Server 2003?


Limp Gawd
Nov 3, 2001
I run Windows Server 2003 Enterprise on my server... I recently reformatted and I was wondering if I could get the Creative Digital VCR working on it. (It's a *Very* low key server used to host a small gallery).

I don't know if it's a hardware or a software issue. The card uses a hardware m-peg decoder and so it essentially runs a streaming video overlay onto magenta when the software is run. It runs fine on Windows XP Pro but when I run it on 2003 I only get the magenta underlay and no sound.

I know there's tons of stuff that is disabled in 2003 by default... but I don't know everything. What can I do to make it viewable in 2003?

Thanks ^_^
goto start> Run> dxdiag > Display

Make sure everything is set to enable also goto the sound tab and set to full accel

The sound service is disabled in 2k3, goto services and set windows sound to automatic.

Goto display settings, troubleshoot and set hardware accel to full.