Video on every other boot in Windows


Feb 26, 2003
I just built a new machine, specs below:

Intel 6600 Core 2 Duo
Gigabyte GA-965P-S3
Corsair XMS 1GB 2x512MB PC800
Radeon X800XT-PE PCI-E

Just about every other startup, I recieve no video going into Windows. Everything POSTS fine, Windows loading screen comes up -- then the video goes out, I can hear the logon sound. I can still run commands and see the HDD LED going crazy but video never appears. I blindly type shutdown -r -t 0 -f into Run so that the system reboots properly and then everything loads up fine. It doesn't matter if it is a cold startup or reboot, it just seems to produce video when it wants to.

Also, I have checked the Event Viewer to see if it is possibly a crashed service or driver but everything comes up clean. Games run really good on the system, no blue screens, no lag, no issues when video comes up.
Catlyst 6.8's, the 6.9's would yeild no screen period.

I am going to try a different monitor to rule that out.
It was the monitor! Apparently it was having some kind of difficulty, I switched it to a Viewsonic CRT I had laying around and video comes up everytime. The previous monitor being used was a NEC MultiSync 70 (which is starting to show its age obviously).

I greatly appreciate the suggestions here.