Video lockup issues (6800gt)


Limp Gawd
Jun 14, 2004
Hey, I've been having some problems when playing games on my PC. At one point I got an LCD and switched to DVI, but I don't remember if the issues occured before that or not.

Basically at random points during a game, I will get the following on my display:


I can sometimes still move my pointer and kinda see it onscreen. Audio still works sometimes, too. I have to reset the machine to continue using it.

I'm running the latest released drivers from Nvidia...anyone know what I can do to fix this? :( :(
wow... at first I thought that was a range top steel air filter. lol. That looks like an Over Clock which might be a little too high.. video memory specifically... but that's a WAG (wild ass guess)
i knocked a resistor off the back of a 9800pro once and it looked EXACTLY like that when i booted it up. couldnt fix it for anything. it was shot.
I don't have coolbits or anything enabled for overclocking the video card. I did at one point but put it back to stock...
calluum said:
i knocked a resistor off the back of a 9800pro once and it looked EXACTLY like that when i booted it up. couldnt fix it for anything. it was shot.

But that was permanent, right? It never worked again? Mine is intermittent and ONLY happens when I play games.

Oh, something else I forgot to mention.. it only seems to occur when I play games with newish engines. Dungeon Siege 2, Serious Sam: TSE, etc don't have this problem. But I do with WoW, HL2, Doom 3, FEAR, ...
Mine did the same thing once when i OC'd it to around 435 / 1.15

I rebooted and changed the settings back too the stock setting ( 370 / 1000 and no problem since.

Any idea what your temps are when that happens?
I installed RivaTuner and verified that my clock speed and memory speed is stock...hmm. Don't really wanna have to replace the card, heh.
scott77 said:
I installed RivaTuner and verified that my clock speed and memory speed is stock...hmm. Don't really wanna have to replace the card, heh.
What are your temps when this happens?
How can I find out the temperature if I can't see anything on the display? I haven't found anything in it that will log temperatures

--edit: n/m, I found the settings. I'll post when it happens again.
scott77 said:
How can I find out the temperature if I can't see anything on the display? I haven't found anything in it that will log temperatures

--edit: n/m, I found the settings. I'll post when it happens again.

OK, it finally did it again. core temp was 99C when I reset the machine. I haven't found much on gpu temps yet but from what I have seen that may be a little hot, but is it hot enough to cause my problem?!
scott77 said:
OK, it finally did it again. core temp was 99C when I reset the machine. I haven't found much on gpu temps yet but from what I have seen that may be a little hot, but is it hot enough to cause my problem?!

99C after or beofre the reset? was that loaded or idle?

keep in mind thats 210 f ?

according to BFG you're in spec but damn :eek: thats really hot mang.

mine for example only reaches 77 under extreme load in a 75 f room, and idles around 54-55.
That was basically the last value read before I reset the machine, and under load (playing FEAR). Idle is much lower--currently 65C.

I'll see if there's anything blocking airflow to the fan on the card, but a quick visual inspection shows nothing.

The case is a bit warm, but I do have air coming into it through the radiator...
scott77 said:
That was basically the last value read before I reset the machine, and under load (playing FEAR). Idle is much lower--currently 65C.

I'll see if there's anything blocking airflow to the fan on the card, but a quick visual inspection shows nothing.

The case is a bit warm, but I do have air coming into it through the radiator...
does your card have the stock fan/cooler on it?

if so try removing the card and blowing out the heatsink. mine traps dust in there like no other.
Well I cleaned it out quite a bit :eek:

Idle temp is now around 59C...we'll see how it does in games.
scott77 said:
Well I cleaned it out quite a bit :eek:

Idle temp is now around 59C...we'll see how it does in games.
i'm guessing around low 80's for games now. :cool:
Naw, I just tabbed out and they're around 95 or so.. :( Hasn't crashed yet so no update on that...
scott77 said:
Naw, I just tabbed out and they're around 95 or so.. :( Hasn't crashed yet so no update on that...
still too warm.

get an aftermarket cooler and call it a day, or put that thing on you watercooling loop.
Well I haven't had any problems in a while!

I upgraded to the 81.85 drivers, but I can't remember if it locked up once after that or not. Haven't checked the temp since I cleaned the card off...but most importantly I've been able to play games without any lockups. :D

I plan to eventually get a gpu waterblock for it, but I can't just yet.

Thanks for your help! :cool:
My buddy has that problem and he has the same card as well. Turns out the heatsink wasn't make good enough contact with the memory and the mem was overheating. He took off the heatsink, applied some Artic Silver and reseated the heatsink and was good to go.