Video editing software - need something to cut & paste one AVI into several AVIs.


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 24, 2005

So I'm converting some VHS tapes to DVD as part of a Christmas present to my Dad.

Thing is, once each tape is done inputting to AVI, I've got myself a giant 2.5 hour video file with no bookmarks. Ideally, what I'd like to do is;

  1. Divide large file into smaller files (ie. each scene becomes one smaller AVI)
  2. Recombine those smaller files into a program that organizes them into DVD chapters
  3. Finally, burn to DVD.

I've already acquired AVI2DVD for the "smaller files into chapters on a DVD" bit, so it looks like that's taken care of ... the big question remains, though:

How might I go about cutting out the individual scenes in the original file (and which program(s) should I use)?

Thanks in advance. :)
VirtualDub can easily edit out specific selections of video, that's a piece of cake. But it's not a video designer in terms of creating DVD ready media, that sort of thing. If you can do all your edits with VirtualDub then when you're happy with the resulting ready-to-be-authored-to-DVD file, it'll do a nice job. It's fairly simple to figure out, 1.3MB in size (the download archive, that is), free, and does stuff some of the biggest video editing packages can't touch.

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