Video card got fried, what to do?


May 4, 2005
My eVGA 8800GTX decided to quit on me yesterday, I've been itching to upgrade to a 5850 lately, think this is a good excuse to do it. Anyone know what eVGA is sending currently to replace this card? (it's still a "limited lifetime warranty" card)
Well, that's another 8800 GTX failure.

I'd wager a GTX 285 myself as a replacement, would seem to make sense.
LOL, why would I bake it if I can get a replacement?... % wise how much faster is a GTX285 than a 8800GTX?
baked is healthier than fried, so bake it back to life!
sorry, couldn't resist, lol.

if you're feeling daring check the dead card resurrected thread where people been literally baking their dead cards back to life.

but since it's under warranty, rma it, use the fixed card as a physx card and grab a 5850 and you should happy for a good while.
baked is healthier than fried, so bake it back to life!
sorry, couldn't resist, lol.

if you're feeling daring check the dead card resurrected thread where people been literally baking their dead cards back to life.

but since it's under warranty, rma it, use the fixed card as a physx card and grab a 5850 and you should happy for a good while.

Hehe thanks for the advice, I might jump on the 5850 and use the spare as suggested
man, these 8800s really have a set lifetime don't they? They are all dying at around the 3 year mark.
Hehe thanks for the advice, I might jump on the 5850 and use the spare as suggested

If PhysX isn't that important to you (as there are only like 4 mainstream modern titles that requirement it), you could always sell whatever you get back to finance a bump up to a 5870 or even a GTX 480 (in which case you'd get PhysX again).
If you send it in they probably will send you a GTS250 or at most a GTX260, which is fine. I would do that, and pick up another graphics card and use the GTS250 for physx. Really though if they do send you a GTX 260 I might not even buy another card, I would wait until card is returned to see what they threw in the box.
If you send it in they probably will send you a GTS250 or at most a GTX260, which is fine. I would do that, and pick up another graphics card and use the GTS250 for physx. Really though if they do send you a GTX 260 I might not even buy another card, I would wait until card is returned to see what they threw in the box.

Might be a long wait. there was another thread where the OP has been waiting weeks and weeks for a replacement since they (eVGA) had nothing to send out.
I had to send one in back in January, got back the same exact thing.
I've been running 2 x EVGA 8800GTX's in SLI for the longest time now.

Granted, I've been looking to replace them now that I finally got my i7 machine built, and it would be somewhat funny if they just up'd and died all of a sudden with so many others dying lately.

I love these cards though, some of the best money I ever spent on my rig.