Video Card for my Wife..


Fully [H]
Oct 14, 2001
So I ended up building her a nice ITX box and went with the Gigabyte GTX 970 that is the smaller sized one. Long story short the card died after 2 days, I am sending it back and looking for something else for her.

She only uses it to Play WOW at 1920x1080 and just wants it to run at ultra settings nice and smooth. CPU is definetly not an issue as she has a Core i5 4690K and her computer has a Corsair 650W PSU.

Wanted to gauge on should I just look for a GTX760 or go up to a GTX770 or something else. Decided to try and stay in the $250 price range.
IMO, grab another 970.

I understand your price range, but the Price/Performance is fantastic and is hard to pass up.
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R9 290s are all over the place at $250. You won't find better bang for the buck at this current time.

The only equivalent NVidia cards are the GTX 780+ and 970+...all of which greatly exceed $250.
You could always wait for the 960s - but if not, it depends on how big a video card you can fit in your case. For WoW at 1080p, an R9 280 or 285 will be plenty capable. If you can fit one in your setup. card for your wife.
Lmao...your wife plays wow?

My wife plays tons of games with me. Maybe its rare?

OP- I would stick to the 970... price:performance its just awesome. And you won't be upgrading for a few years.
I was thinking of snagging a cheap GTX760 on cyber Monday and hold off until the 960 comes out.
I could, however she only has a Corsair CX600M Power supply could that be the issue?
If you specifically want a Nvidia maybe a GTX 750ti? Not sure how the demanding the current WoW is in raids. If not wait for the GTX 960 if you want something cheaper. I wouldn't get an outgoing Kepler card at this point unless it is a killer deal.

What actual case are you using for your ITX build?
I played WoW: MoP on a i5-3570k/660Ti (now 980 x2), 1080p Ultra+8x MSAA, and it ran great (60FPS everywhere save a big AoE trash pull in raids).

Now DSR is the preferred AA method, as the game no longer supports MSAA. I haven't used the 660Ti since DSR was added, but I would think the 760/770 is more than adequate.
Ended up picking up a close out Evga GTX770 for $225. Should that 600w psu suffice?
My wife plays tons of games with me. Maybe its rare?

Lol, I guess he thinks he plays with doods all the time. Lots of chicks game, they just don't say announce it because usually the younger, and sometimes older, crowd gets a tingle in their panties and insist on heckling them.

Yes, a 660w should be fine. Even if it is generic.
Ended up picking up a close out Evga GTX770 for $225. Should that 600w psu suffice?

It's fine for WoW (and probably overkill unless new WoW is that more demanding?) but in terms of gaming in general I don't really like the balance of low VRAM compared to the performance and price going forward. Either get something cheaper and upgrade sooner or get something with 4GB now in my opinion.

PSU should be fine though. I had a GTX 770 and 2500k with a VX550(w), a GTX 780 was fine as well (although you could hear the PSU fan spin up higher compared to barely on).
770 for WoW is more than adequate. I just picked up a 280 for my wife and on her 2500k it works great for WoW on ultra settings. Haven't done a dungeon yet but I don't see an issue.

She also games with me. It's nice when "lets game" is the her go to together time. :D