Video card fan control- riva tuner


Mar 1, 2006
I'm not getting any answers so I'll post here, probably more appropriate anyway. I need to know how big a risk I'm taking putting the fan contol up to 100% fan duty in riva tuner. I'm doing some oc'ing and the temps are much lower on 100% than default. I don't want to risk the fan going out and frying my card. What do you think?
The fan will not die, not at least for a long time... U'll out live its usefullness so go ahead or you could get a better heatsink for ur video card as I've did and it dropped so much in temps... May I make a suggestion if u do want to get much better cooling solution - get what I have and you'll not be unimpressed with this -
thhank you so much for the quick response. It's funny how these things can scare the shit out of us at times. I was so worried that at any second the fan might die and all i'd see where green pxels everywhere :LOL:
Fan should run for years and years. I've got a video card from 2002 with the stock fan still on it. I also use the stock fan from a voodoo 3 3000 to cool my northbridge and that's gotta be five or six years old by now.
Okay I was going to ask about leaving the computer on for hours and overnight while I'm sleeping with the fan running 100% (I download lot's of stuff) It should be fine right? You can really hear the difference in how this thing is running. The sound doesn't really bother me, I was just worried I would be stressing it out to much though.
100% fine. Yeah for nearly 2 years my PC was on almost 24/7/365 when I was a folder
have you set your fan's higher then default? Like with riva tuner?
Not doubting you or anything just courius
I always max out my fan speeds via rivatuner. It's totally harmless-the fan is rated to run at that speed anyway. Don't worry about it!
have you set your fan's higher then default? Like with riva tuner?
Not doubting you or anything just courius
Higher than default, no; but 100% for years and years, yes
Cool, I wonder why Nvidia has the default set so low? Default is only 40% They can get way better temps out of their card if they had them set 100% from the get go.
Good question; maybe noise maybe lifespan; although as I said they'll go years at 100%
GonzoP said:
Good question; maybe noise maybe lifespan; although as I said they'll go years at 100%
I nearly read that as Noise lifespan and I went like WTF :confused:
