Video burning software?


Limp Gawd
Mar 24, 2005
Hi. For my job, I have a lot of videos of things we've done sitting around on my hard drive. They are about 500MB each, and I'd like to make some DVDs of them. Now I know everyone loves Nero, but I have nero right now and it isn't working properly. I need something that will burn these and make menus and have the ability to divide each into scenes. I have about $100 set aside for new software...what would you recommend?
Did you try Nero Vision Express?

It is best suited towards what you wanna do! Menu creation, DVD/VCD burning of normal MPEG files, it will do the format conversion for you then burn.
Yes, we have the full nero 7 suite. Nero Vision is supposed to be doing that, but it doesn't. Whenever I get to an "Add Files" screen of any kind, it will not add the files. In fact, nothing happens at all.
I dunno if this helps, but try version 6, i hate version 7, full of bloat that u dont need.

version 6 is rock solid dude! give it a shot trust me
The ones I'm trying to burn are DivX 6...but I tried many different formats, none of which work properly. I'm not sure if I want to downgrade to version 6. I'd have a hard time explaining why I got an older version of the same software. Anyhoo, I know this is probably just one of those odd things that can't be explained or easily fixed, so thanks for your time.
Shit, the problem just got a lot worse. I tried uninstalling, it uninstalled half-way. Now I can't uninstall it at all, and I can't reinstall because it says "A newer version of nero is already present."

Great. Now I'm stuck.
Alright, I finally got Nero completely uninstalled and completely re-installed. I figured out that the problem was that the videos had to be in SVCD format to make an SVCD out of them. In other words, after converting them to this format, it can't hold much.

As for DVDs though, neroVision doesn't help at all. I guess I need all the movies to be in DVD-Video format for this to work, yet I need some sort of plugin for this, which I assume I have to pay for. At this point I'm considering purchasing a small laser and recording these damn things myself.
Nerovision can take normal files (like AVI) and turn them into a DVD. If convewrs them into the proper file format so that you can burn them to disk.
I think I finally got it to work. Maybe. I'm using TMPGEnc to convert it to DVD format. I almost feel cheated, how 500MB of my movies can fill up a 4.7GB DVD. Guess that's life.
I'm at my wits end. How the fuck do I burn a DVD? That's all I want!! Nero keeps looking for .vob files, .bup, and .ifo.....What the hell is all this? I just want to burn some dang videos without having to spend a ton on extra plugins.
NeroVision turns your stuff into VOB files. Once it does that, you can burn the VOB files to DVD.