

[H] Admin
Staff member
Aug 29, 2004
I have managed to capture OCAU's special production boosting agent:

now to determine in exactly what manner they use it to boost production.

first test: thermal interface! commence testing!

the black knight always triumphs!
is it liquid form? or is it more as a paste?

What if heated does it change form?

Duster said:
is it liquid form? or is it more as a paste?

What if heated does it change form?

IT is a paste:

It spreads:

IT TASTES LIKE CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

Someone for god's sake tell me how to fix this stuff..............uhhhh.....still rinsing my mouth out. It tastes like the bottom of a keg that has been tapped for a couple weeks....and salty11111
Now you gone 'n done it.

FIrst you spend way too much time in their forums...

Next you start eating their food...

the last step of assimilation is borging for their team......

Stop now while you still can.
spectre, don't most lubricants caution against ingestion?

next time you have questions, just ask mary first...

God...I worked with an Australian who kept trying to push her Vegemite on everyone. Not only does it taste like crap, it reeks as well. So glad to be out of that office space.

It could make for interesting thermal paste though - see how the yeast reacts with extremely high temperatures for sustained periods of time... ;)

My grease gun shoots that stuff out. I don't recomend eating it.
shit in a tube= ok
moose turned green= bad
huge fat ladies with no nudity= worse

ok, this makes sense now.

Spectre said:
IT is a paste:

It spreads:

IT TASTES LIKE CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

Someone for god's sake tell me how to fix this stuff..............uhhhh.....still rinsing my mouth out. It tastes like the bottom of a keg that has been tapped for a couple weeks....and salty11111

I think that is really where it comes really!

Mayhem33 said:
I think that is really where it comes really!

Yea thats what they say it is,, at least when it was brought up before over at OCAU

its beer turds :p
KodiakStar said:
Yea thats what they say it is,, at least when it was brought up before over at OCAU

its beer turds :p

But it seriously tastes worse than any beer product could!!!!
I've never seen it in a squeeze tube. I've got a small jar of it that I tried a while back. It taste like shit. The salt flavor is overpowering. It's always fun to get someone to try it, and yell "THIAMINE" and "NIACIN" in thier face while they are trying to stomach it.
sandmanx said:
I've never seen it in a squeeze tube.

Well since it is rich in vitamins and in a tube I think my next attempt ot use it will be as a facial or skin cream.
Spectre said:
Well since it is rich in vitamins and in a tube I think my next attempt ot use it will be as a facial or skin cream.

The Aussies already took care of that too! Don't forget Nads!
Lord help us all if you plan to use it as a facial cream.
I can see it now on the news:

A man was found in his home with a brown goo on his face, the goo was eating away at his face. The substance was found to be vegemite a compound found in Australia used in foods and etc. Even before the Incident, he admitted tasting the substance before he applied it to his face.

sorry but I had to
I have never smelled or eaten this stuff, but from what you are describing…salt is not good for your skin. I don’t know if you are single or not, but the smell that was described will surely be a repellant for any potential or current love interest. :p

Shmuckety said:
I have never smelled or eaten this stuff, but from what you are describing…salt is not good for your skin. I don’t know if you are single or not, but the smell that was described will surely be a repellant for any potential or current love interest. :p

Well the better half tried the vegemite to.....she spit it out and then threaten to beat me if I ever got ahold of it again :p
Spectre said:
Well the better half tried the vegemite to.....she spit it out and then threaten to beat me if I ever got ahold of it again :p

Slam some on a flour tortilla. It makes it extra bad. I did that once with marmite, which is just as bad. I have pics online, but I look terrible, so I won't post them.
Vegemite is an acquired taste, so moderation is necessary, ie spread a very small amount on toast.

As it is a good source of the Vitamin B group, it is excellent eating it by the spoonful after a night on the grog, as it replaces the Vitamin B the alcohol has used up.

A vegemite lover from downunder.

And yes it is what is left after the beer has been brewed and syphoned off, that is taken away and refined into Vegemite.

Datsun 1600
Datsun 1600 said:
Vegemite is an acquired taste, so moderation is necessary, ie spread a very small amount on toast.

As it is a good source of the Vitamin B group, it is excellent eating it by the spoonful after a night on the grog, as it replaces the Vitamin B the alcohol has used up.

A vegemite lover from downunder.

And yes it is what is left after the beer has been brewed and syphoned off, that is taken away and refined into Vegemite.

Datsun 1600

Next time I get really hammeredI might try doing that........but last a taste.
Spectre said:
Next time I get really hammeredI might try doing that........but last a taste.
Eat a whole chilli or two then the Vegemite, what taste?

Datsun 1600
Spectre said:
Next time I get really hammeredI might try doing that........but last a taste.

No kidding. My 4oz. jar is still nearly full after a year, and reeks of a salty smell. It's good to have around on drinking nights to see who you can get to eat it, and see the look on thier face. :D