Vibrating Ipod?


Oct 2, 2006
My 30GB Ipod vibrates slightly when its searching or when I'm defragging it. Is it supposed to do that???
too bad, you think they could have or would have smoothed that out oh well. nice piece of equipment still
Its like anyother hard drive. I know in my laptop I feel the hard drive spin and move.
GreyMatterTripp said:
My 30GB Ipod vibrates slightly when its searching or when I'm defragging it. Is it supposed to do that???
Apple doesn't really recommend defragging iPods.

Feeling the iPod "vibrate" or hearing the drive spin up is normal (and it happens with all of the MP3 players I've used).
GreyMatterTripp said:
why would I not de frag the Ipod, that doesn't make sense.

Because there's just no reason to. Files aren't moved around and placed in strange positions like they are on a PC hard drive. iTunes lines files up in contiguous chunks.
GreyMatterTripp said:
too bad, you think they could have or would have smoothed that out oh well. nice piece of equipment still

Why would they have? Is it really that detrimental to your iPod experience?
why is every reply I get on this site so overly opinionative. If I knew any of this I wouldn't ask and the question so get over it that someone knows less than you about something you can only ride these short lived victories for you self esteem for so long.
Explain "opinionated"... We told you why it vibrated. We told you defragging isn't good for an iPod. We never called you a "noob" or anything else. In any way, shape or form.

There's only 2 posts in this thread I'd consider a flame... 1 of the two was your last post. The rest are all answers to your questions. My post was a serious question... What's wrong with a little vibration.
GreyMatterTripp said:
why is every reply I get on this site so overly opinionative
hmm, because you're asking for our fucking OPINIONS?

apple recommends not defragging your ipod. read your instruction manual.
CEpeep said:
Because there's just no reason to. Files aren't moved around and placed in strange positions like they are on a PC hard drive. iTunes lines files up in contiguous chunks.

Tell that to my seriously fragmented 30GB video :p Although I do use it for storage as well.

And I never feel my vibrate, ever.