VGA Bios override.


Limp Gawd
Feb 16, 2006
I decided to try overwrite Sparkle 7900GS bios, because of that problem
In the net I have found XFX and Inno3D 7900GS bioses. When trying to overwrite bios I get a message that graphics card IDs are different and I'm asked to do override. Is it safe or not? Is it necessary to have pci graphics card?
ive always been too afraid to do those types of things also, its quite a risk to chance frying that card over a 10 fps increase :confused:
As long as they are the same GPU you shouldn't have a problem. In other words if you are flashing a 7900GS from manufacturer XYZ to a 7900GS from manufacturer 123 then it should work unless there is a clock frequency difference that your card can't achieve. If the clock speeds for gpu and ram are the same it should work fine. I believe using nvflash there are options to ignore board id mismatch and vendor id mismatch. I've done bios flashes sucessfully using those 2 options and have had no problems modifying and flashing my vga bios.
Matas said:
Could you tell more how to ignore ID mismatch ?

first let me elaborate further. Make sure the memory size and type are the same or you could have a serious problem. if the cards are identical the bios from one should work on the other. E.G. a 256mb ddr 3 1.1 ns 7900GS bfg bios should work on another 256mb ddr 3 1.1ns 7900GS from evga.

Using nvflash you can get a list of commands in that specific program by either reading/printing out the readme or booting from the nvflash disk and typing the command nvflash. there are options there for ignore venor or ignore id mismatch. say for example the commands for ignore vendor id mismatch is -4 and ignore vendor mismatch is -5 and you saved the new bios on the disk with the name newbios.rom and when you try to flash the newbios.rom you get the error that your vendor and board id are mismatched. To bypass this and sucessfully flash the card you would need to type in nvflash -4 -5 newbios.rom that's what I'm referring to.

The commands differ depending on what version of nvflash you are using to read carefully.