Very simple question regarding MS and Adobe apps on two computers


Sep 17, 2006
The wife gave the go ahead to purchase a laptop. No more fighting over who gets to use the desktop anymore :)

Obviously there are a lot of programs that we own that we would also want to be able to use on the laptop. For example, the main programs my wife uses are Microsoft Office 2003 and Adobe Photshop 6 and Premier Elements 4. Do we need to purchase additional licenses for these applications in order to use them on the laptop? I don't want to have to shell out an additional $100 each when we already own the software. That makes no sense (though I wouldn't be surprised since companies want to squeeze every last dime out of you).

Office 2003 EULA states you can use one Office 2003 license onto your personal desktop, and additionally your own notebook.

I am not sure about Photoshop 6 or Elements 4.