Verizon Seeks Injunctions Against Strikers

Take that shit back to the Fox "news" forums.

Corporations can and DO use any and all means (including murder) to get their way...BUT GOD HELP US ALL if the workers finally gets fucking tired of these oligarch rich cocksuckers and start using some of the same dirty ass tactics against them, because WE JUST CAN'T have that, because BillO or some other "conservative" piece of worthless vile shit said unions were bad by using heavily edited, cherry picked bullshit stories, and since thinking for ones self is hard, fuck those unions.

I have discovered something...those who would speak ill of workers rights are either:

1. Willfully ignorant, willfully brainwashed by the propaganda machine and since what "they" are saying lines up with my ignorant view of the situation, I'll believe them.

2. You are part of the system that fucks workers in the first place. Either you are one of the top, or one of the multitudes of ball cupping yellow cowards that do their bidding for your crumbs off 'masas table.

I truly, honestly, sincerely hope that you get put on the other side of the fence one of these days and get screwed heavily, and I also hope that I am there to see it so I can laugh in your faces.

Tell that to the unemployed that would love the unhappy union folks that are getting screwed.
Yeah watch Verizon posting 5000 jobs and see the hord show up to apply. I would like to see all the Union tuff guys deal with hungry people out of work for a year and agry to see union people crying about not getting a raise.
Yeah watch Verizon posting 5000 jobs and see the hord show up to apply. I would like to see all the Union tuff guys deal with hungry people out of work for a year and agry to see union people crying about not getting a raise.

But isn't it sad thing that Verizon is using the state of the economy to turn people on each other job that, hey look even cheaper labor, bye bye new guys!

It's sad to see so many happy to race to the bottom. It'll be even sadder when the average person get their.
If Verizon is serious about the strike, they will just hire contractors across the country to temporary replace the union workforce affected.

It's quicker for Verizon to perform legal action against the local union than to get contractors into the affected areas, and then to adjust with the local infrastructure.

(I'm guessing its the CWA, and it is)
Verizon will probably agree to the deal on the table with the Unions in 2-3 weeks.
Not paying the union workers for 2-3 weeks will cover the cost of the deal the union wants.

and this isn't only telephone techs on strike, it is FIOS techs as well. Also Verizon Wireless up in NY State are on strike since they are union as well.
I work in the Northern Liberties area of Philly where there's a Verizon building on 3rd street which on Monday had graffiti on it that said "PIG" in giant orange paint all over the side of the building near the door. This building is literally across the street from the main Social Security Administration building for the entire mid atlantic and a few blocks north of Independence Hall.

There's also local reports of FIOS lines being cut. I'm on a FIOS line myself but in bucks county. If my line was cut it would probably take out the whole block because the only openings for it are at the start of the neighborhood which has the phone box in it too I'm guessing.

Steve Andresen of South Philadelphia, a regional sales manager for a computer company, said that the FiOS cable in his backyard was cut early Sunday morning, causing him to lose his Internet, television, and telephone connection.
In Villanova, surgeon Eric Carlson said he and his neighbors lost television, telephone, and Internet service after a FiOS cable to the neighborhood had been cut.
I work in the Northern Liberties area of Philly where there's a Verizon building on 3rd street which on Monday had graffiti on it that said "PIG" in giant orange paint all over the side of the building near the door. This building is literally across the street from the main Social Security Administration building for the entire mid atlantic and a few blocks north of Independence Hall.

There's also local reports of FIOS lines being cut. I'm on a FIOS line myself but in bucks county. If my line was cut it would probably take out the whole block because the only openings for it are at the start of the neighborhood which has the phone box in it too I'm guessing.


I read this earlier today,
I ordered Fios with last Friday as the install date. The dumb union guy showed up, fussed around, went back to his car and left. I called an hour later. I was told I have to wait till 5 pm to complain because he has till 5 pm to finish his job. At 5 pm they told me I have to call the next day. Next day, they told me it was the weekend and they weren't working. On Monday, they told me they were on strike.

Dumb union guy forced me to get a 2 year contract with Comcast. I hope Verizon goes out of biz and all union guys are laid off and try to live off of unemployment checks.
Verizon is going to have to settle with them eventually. Finding electricians who aren't union is nigh impossible. It's not like Verizon can't afford it, they just don't want to.

I know our Verizon guys have been in all week, although we're a major data center, so if Verizon left us without support we'd probably make them regret it.
Wired phones are dead, they won't have jobs anyways soon enough.

Wired phones are dead to the consumer, not to the company. The old legacy PSTN will eventually be retired due to age and cost to maintain, but it will be replaced with a VoIP alternative. You'd be surprised how many companies refuse to switch to a pure wireless format, right now that is.
bulldozer..plow unions right off the map while your at it
There's also local reports of FIOS lines being cut. I'm on a FIOS line myself but in bucks county. If my line was cut it would probably take out the whole block because the only openings for it are at the start of the neighborhood which has the phone box in it too I'm guessing.


What's next? Firebombing of cars and buildings and looting of stores? Pulling an England?

Stay classy, Verizon strikers.
But isn't it sad thing that Verizon is using the state of the economy to turn people on each other job that, hey look even cheaper labor, bye bye new guys!

It's sad to see so many happy to race to the bottom. It'll be even sadder when the average person get their.

Funny how many people on this forum wish everyone was paid minimum wage with no healthcare... except the CEOs of course, they are skilled workers.
Funny how many people on this forum wish everyone was paid minimum wage with no healthcare... except the CEOs of course, they are skilled workers.

We have never said once people should be paid minimum wage with no healthcare. We have said people who arent worth much to companies should be paid that. Some people do actually bring in skillsets that benefit corporations - they did it all by themself!
Take that shit back to the Fox "news" forums.

Says the man who has no idea what Verizon's "rediculous" demands are.

1. The union should pay something towards healthcare instead of getting their excellent care for free. The union already agreed to do this for AT&T.
2. The ability to fire union members who have repeatedly shown bad performance. Right now, most union members cannot be fired for any reason other than violating the law. Refuse to do your job? Cannot be fired for it. Do not even show up for work? Cannot be fired for it.
3. Verizon wants to remove mandatory pay raises. Right now, it does not matter if Verizon Wireline is losing money hand over fist, the union gets their raises.

Do these sound like demands which warrant going on strike? The union says yes. They say it is unfair they should pay anything towards healthcare, unfair they have to do their jobs or be fired, and unfair they are not guarenteed pay raises.
Wired phones are dead to the consumer, not to the company. The old legacy PSTN will eventually be retired due to age and cost to maintain, but it will be replaced with a VoIP alternative. You'd be surprised how many companies refuse to switch to a pure wireless format, right now that is.

Wireless is still unreliable.
Unions are a prime example of "this is why we can't have nice things". They served a purpose, helped a lot of workers get necessary healthcare and benefits for working dangerous jobs. Now they are just used to extort money from companies. When a company starts losing money, they need to cut costs somewhere. Since the employees are already over-paid ($75k a year plus benefits for starting pay, or about $25k above the average, and $35k more than non-union workers in the same position at Verizon), that would be the logical place to start.

To those bitching about CEOs making a lot of money: Economics, learn it. They are paid a lot so that the position attracts GOOD executives. CEOs swap companies more than professional athletes swap teams.
Unions are a prime example of "this is why we can't have nice things". They served a purpose, helped a lot of workers get necessary healthcare and benefits for working dangerous jobs. Now they are just used to extort money from companies. When a company starts losing money, they need to cut costs somewhere. Since the employees are already over-paid ($75k a year plus benefits for starting pay, or about $25k above the average, and $35k more than non-union workers in the same position at Verizon), that would be the logical place to start.

To those bitching about CEOs making a lot of money: Economics, learn it. They are paid a lot so that the position attracts GOOD executives. CEOs swap companies more than professional athletes swap teams.

Agreed with this post. Unions now are for those that cannot keep a decent paying job because they are lazy or have some sense of entitlement to a paycheck just for showing up. So frustrating that I have two good employees out of eight, and I cannot recognize them for an excellent job with a raise or extra days off because someone somewhere will scream "SENIORITY!!!" (and that word means "I'm entitled not him/her")
TLDR... Yeah, my first time saying that.

Just from what I understand, for that first poster or so that said wired networks are done with....

What connects the cell towers to eachother?

These same techs that are on strike are the ones who lay the fios opticals, and the dsl/phone lines, as well as the connecting line between the cell towers.
I for one cannot understand why anybody today would want to be in a union. As I understand it this is what the union represents:

All workers will receive the same raise no matter their performance on the job.

If one worker is doing a task to fast other workers tell them to slow down. I have heard this direct from union workers.

No one wants to be valued for the quality of their work.

A union worker cannot be fired for failing to do their job or even for failing to show up for work without an excuse.

They want their employer to give them everything and when asked to contribute something for what they get they refuse.

They want competitive wages but fail to see that those who they want to compete with do not have the benefits package that the unions demand.

When someone belongs to the union long enough they become complacent with being mediocre and could no longer hack it in a non union job. Why are union employees so eager to stand up and tell the world they are happy being mediocre? I for one would want to be recognized for my hard work and know that when I outperform my fellow co-workers that I will be rewarded as such. I also know that if I refuse to do my job or fail to report for work without excuse I will find myself without a job.

As for the unions claiming that CEO’s get paid to much they fail to understand that the shareholders of the company approved their salary and they did not just give it to themselves. In the case of Verizon the CEO pay was approved by over 90% of shareholders most of whom are Verizon employees because Verizon 401k matching is in company stock.

Times change and workers have to be willing to change as well or they will find themselves without a job. In today’s economy I feel Verizon should just fire everyone who is out on strike and advertise they are now hiring 45k employees. I am sure they will be able to fill those positions within a few weeks.

Let me also say that I do thank those unions for what they did in the past by establishing worker rights and things such as the 5 day work week. However, today with labor laws and employment commissions, the time of the union has long since passed.
You were incorrect about much more than also quoted total salary + *overtime* as their base pay.

Interesting inflation error. Even still, is your argument that 5 year veterans should make less than $5000 per month *before* taxes?

For a completely unskilled job? Ofcourse.
What is this thinking that people should keep getting raises for a job irregardless of the actual work they perform. I dont get it.
Guess as you are is said greedy unappreciative thug union, then you want your meritless raise and benefits.

Really? TROLL begone. Come back after you lose the venom and generalizations. Or if your union is so bad, find a job without one - or run for a position and change it.

I was forced into a union. I chose my job because I wanted it and I've been there for over 2 decades, not because it had a union. Unlike probably you, I have years of college education and save lives for a living.

Ever do chest compressions or push epi on a newborn? Didn't think so.

Who's the troll now? Go crawl back under your bridge or back to the Walmart you work at.
Unions are a prime example of "this is why we can't have nice things". They served a purpose, helped a lot of workers get necessary healthcare and benefits for working dangerous jobs. Now they are just used to extort money from companies. When a company starts losing money, they need to cut costs somewhere. Since the employees are already over-paid ($75k a year plus benefits for starting pay, or about $25k above the average, and $35k more than non-union workers in the same position at Verizon), that would be the logical place to start.

To those bitching about CEOs making a lot of money: Economics, learn it. They are paid a lot so that the position attracts GOOD executives. CEOs swap companies more than professional athletes swap teams.

The top four at verizon made a quarter BILLION dollars last year. In addition the CEO of verizon was bragging about how they didn't need any bailout and how well they were doing.

Verizon paid no taxes last year, NONE, and yet received 1 billion in tax benefits from the federal government. Curious that the big-wigs at verizon now want a 1 billion concession from their workers. If Verizon had paid taxes they would be on the hook for 11 billion and could single handedly fund the cut to the student loan program.

Why would you take the CEOs side when the current economic crisis is the direct result of piss poor CEOs screwing everyone over at then making off with million in bonuses and compensation.

This is clear cut greed. Verizon doesn't need the money they are simply trying to suck their workers dry. It really boggles my mind that so many are pro-CEO and anti-union when what this really boils down to is giving the money to the guy who makes 30$/hour so he can pay off debt, or put his kid in sports, or save for college education ... verses giving the money to the CEO so they can buy a second vacation home or a third boat.

Your wide sweeping, absolute, generalizations about all union workers are asinine and shameful. Some of you really need to give you head a shake.
Says the man who has no idea what Verizon's "rediculous" demands are.

1. The union should pay something towards healthcare instead of getting their excellent care for free. The union already agreed to do this for AT&T.
2. The ability to fire union members who have repeatedly shown bad performance. Right now, most union members cannot be fired for any reason other than violating the law. Refuse to do your job? Cannot be fired for it. Do not even show up for work? Cannot be fired for it.
3. Verizon wants to remove mandatory pay raises. Right now, it does not matter if Verizon Wireline is losing money hand over fist, the union gets their raises.

Do these sound like demands which warrant going on strike? The union says yes. They say it is unfair they should pay anything towards healthcare, unfair they have to do their jobs or be fired, and unfair they are not guarenteed pay raises.

Those sound like reasonable demands to me.. The union guy who left without installing Fios service last Friday should be fired. He looked like a dumbass, whose brother/father/mother got him a job. Pay for performance is something unions don't want. Union guys = communists!
Those sound like reasonable demands to me.. The union guy who left without installing Fios service last Friday should be fired. He looked like a dumbass, whose brother/father/mother got him a job. Pay for performance is something unions don't want. Union guys = communists!

He should be fired because he left without installing your FIOS?

Would you feel the same way if it turned out he got a phone call while parked in front of your house that his wife had just been in a car accident?

Until you know why he left, saying he should be fired sounds a bit extreme.....
Those sound like reasonable demands to me.. The union guy who left without installing Fios service last Friday should be fired. He looked like a dumbass, whose brother/father/mother got him a job. Pay for performance is something unions don't want. Union guys = communists!

Cable guy never showed up last week to install another outlet in my house. I'm an employee and my company uses lowest bid non-union sub-contractors for installs. They don't give a shit that I'm an employee since no one holds them accountable. You're argument is invalid.
Cable guy never showed up last week to install another outlet in my house. I'm an employee and my company uses lowest bid non-union sub-contractors for installs. They don't give a shit that I'm an employee since no one holds them accountable. You're argument is invalid.

your..sigh (self slap)
I for one cannot understand why anybody today would want to be in a union. As I understand it this is what the union represents:

All workers will receive the same raise no matter their performance on the job.

If one worker is doing a task to fast other workers tell them to slow down. I have heard this direct from union workers.

No one wants to be valued for the quality of their work.

A union worker cannot be fired for failing to do their job or even for failing to show up for work without an excuse.

They want their employer to give them everything and when asked to contribute something for what they get they refuse.

They want competitive wages but fail to see that those who they want to compete with do not have the benefits package that the unions demand.

When someone belongs to the union long enough they become complacent with being mediocre and could no longer hack it in a non union job. Why are union employees so eager to stand up and tell the world they are happy being mediocre? I for one would want to be recognized for my hard work and know that when I outperform my fellow co-workers that I will be rewarded as such. I also know that if I refuse to do my job or fail to report for work without excuse I will find myself without a job.

As for the unions claiming that CEO’s get paid to much they fail to understand that the shareholders of the company approved their salary and they did not just give it to themselves. In the case of Verizon the CEO pay was approved by over 90% of shareholders most of whom are Verizon employees because Verizon 401k matching is in company stock.

Times change and workers have to be willing to change as well or they will find themselves without a job. In today’s economy I feel Verizon should just fire everyone who is out on strike and advertise they are now hiring 45k employees. I am sure they will be able to fill those positions within a few weeks.

Let me also say that I do thank those unions for what they did in the past by establishing worker rights and things such as the 5 day work week. However, today with labor laws and employment commissions, the time of the union has long since passed.

Because they are all commies... They don't want to work, but want to get paid. They want to show up at work at 10 am. Drink coffee till 11 am. Take a one hour lunch break at noon. Take a coffee break at 2:30. Head home at 4 pm...
The top four at verizon made a quarter BILLION dollars last year. In addition the CEO of verizon was bragging about how they didn't need any bailout and how well they were doing.

Verizon paid no taxes last year, NONE, and yet received 1 billion in tax benefits from the federal government. Curious that the big-wigs at verizon now want a 1 billion concession from their workers. If Verizon had paid taxes they would be on the hook for 11 billion and could single handedly fund the cut to the student loan program.

Why would you take the CEOs side when the current economic crisis is the direct result of piss poor CEOs screwing everyone over at then making off with million in bonuses and compensation.

This is clear cut greed. Verizon doesn't need the money they are simply trying to suck their workers dry. It really boggles my mind that so many are pro-CEO and anti-union when what this really boils down to is giving the money to the guy who makes 30$/hour so he can pay off debt, or put his kid in sports, or save for college education ... verses giving the money to the CEO so they can buy a second vacation home or a third boat.

Your wide sweeping, absolute, generalizations about all union workers are asinine and shameful. Some of you really need to give you head a shake.

Anti-union is not the same as pro CEO. That's the kind of Orwellian logic that only communists can use...
Those sound like reasonable demands to me.. The union guy who left without installing Fios service last Friday should be fired. He looked like a dumbass, whose brother/father/mother got him a job. Pay for performance is something unions don't want. Union guys = communists!

Cable guy never showed up last week to install another outlet in my house. I'm an employee and my company uses lowest bid non-union sub-contractors for installs. They don't give a shit that I'm an employee since no one holds them accountable. You're argument is invalid.

The sheer irony of his post is that its attitudes like his that necessitated the forming of unions in the first place .