Ventrilo Host -


Secret Santa Lame Gifter
Aug 22, 2009
Does anyone else use ZebGames as their provider for a Ventrilo server? I want to downgrade my vent to a smaller size but it seems they have fallen off the side of the earth. I've been trying to get a hold of them for two weeks now and have had zero luck. Their Billing Login is always under maintenance, online chat function never works, they don't answer emails, and I am always told no one is available to take my phone call when I call their number on the website...

I'm coming up to my third year with them and I am thinking about not paying the bill to renew my server because this is ridiculousness.

So again, anyone else use this provider?
I don't use them but if you really are having that much trouble i would immediately stop payment and switch...

you always hear about that kindof thing happening right before a company goes out.
I totally agree. Go and get a more recognized hosting company.

I can remember several game/ventrilo server hosting companies acting the same way before they went belly up.