Venice 3500+ Overclocking

Sep 29, 2006
I've heard that A64 3500+ Venice should be able to do 2.7 ghz easily, but mine gets an error on Prime95 on startup and is not stable.

My settings are: 245 FSB, 11 CPU Multi, 4x LDT, 4/5 Memory Divider, 1.55 Vcore

Memory is 2x 1gb dual channel Corsair ValueRAM DDR400

Everything else is on default. I am at a loss as to what to do to make 2.7 stable, any help?
what are the rest of your system spec? Motherboard, PSU, ect.? What do you have the HTT multi set to? What fequency is the RAM running at with the 4/5 divider? What are your memory timings?
drip the memory divider another notch
how are temps?

now all chips are equal. while 2.7ghz is likely, it's more like the average. to get the average, some chips fall below, and some fall above :D
Some chips just dont OC at all, my 3200 cant go over 2.2 ghz. I wouldnt go any higher than 1.55 vcore on air, but you may bump it to 1.575 because most boards undervolt.
My mobo is DFI Infinity RS482, PSU is Antec UltraQuiet 350W. HTT multiplier as I said earlier is 4x. Memory timings are at default 3,2,2,5

I've set the divider so that memory frequency is as low as 122.7, but it is still not prime stable. In fact, I don't even think I can get 2.6 ghz to run stable..
I would first get a "good" 450wt + PSU and in the mean time let the ram down to 3,3,3,6 and wait on the PSU. Dfi mobos w/ Ultra chip are very wierd with less than 450wt of good clean power. You are doing good IMO for what you have. GL
My Venice 3500+ would never prime over 2.45 on 2 different motherboards. A DFI LAN Party and a Gigabyte K8NSC-939. Obviously 2.45 was highest the chip could do. I was disappointed, but those are the breaks.
I've found that max FSB is directly related to the Vcore Voltage. Do you think 1.6 would damage my CPU? I'm using air cooling with fairly good circulation.

Also, I hope underclocking memory frequency won't affect performance drastically, because I can't get it to run at exactly 200 mhz given the very very limited amount of available dividers in bios.
Being that you are running 2GB of value ram..... just try to keep it as cloe to 200 as possible. It might allow you about 5-10mhz over but that is prolly about it with out "tweaking" it. I am running a 3500+ Venice chip @ 2.805 right now on a Neo2 Platinum. Vcore reported by CPU-Z is 1.56-1.58v. It is 100% stable at this setting and I had it up to 2.85 on a DFI NF4 Ultra-D, also 100% stable. It is all luck of the draw.
What is the temperature of the core on your setup? I think I got mine stable at a max of 230x11 at 1.55v (any lower voltage and prime reports errors after a few minutes). The problem is, speedfan reports core temps spiking up to 60 C during prime testing. Is this dangerous?
Yeah 60C isn't good even for a load temp. Best bet is to try and keep it like 50-55C or under. On MBM it reports about 29-30c idle and about 45c loaded but if I use Core Temp it reports about 27c idle and around 40-42c loaded. I am on air cooling also.