VB 2005 Graph Problems


Nov 4, 2004
I'm playing with different ways to show simulation output in a VB form. I've been messing around with the Office Web Components Chart component, but i'm having trouble getting my data to show up. First off, i've had a hard time finding decent documentation and/or examples, but i finally found what seemed to be an up-to-date tutorial. Just to test it out, i've got a spreadsheet with three values that i want to display in a column chart.

This is my code:

Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop

Public Class frmSean

    Dim xlExcel As New Excel.Application
    Private Sub frmSean_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

        xlExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:\Documents and Settings\Sean Beanland\My Documents\BFAMS\Output\Output sample sheet 2.xls")

        Dim strCategories() As String = {xlExcel.Range("B5").Value.ToString, _
                                         xlExcel.Range("C5").Value.ToString, _

        'Dim strCategories() As String = {"March", "April", "June"}
        'Dim strValues() As String = {"546", "453", "345"}

        Dim strValues() As String = {xlExcel.Range("B6").Value.ToString, _
                                     xlExcel.Range("C6").Value.ToString, _

        'Clear any chart objects then add one new one

        'Make chart legend visible, 
        AxChartSpace1.Charts(0).HasLegend = True
        AxChartSpace1.Charts(0).Type = Owc11.ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypeColumn3D

        'Add series to the chart

        'bind series name, category names, and values
        AxChartSpace1.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0).SetData(Owc11.ChartDimensionsEnum.chDimSeriesNames, _
            Convert.ToInt32(Owc11.ChartSpecialDataSourcesEnum.chDataLiteral), xlExcel.Range("A6").Value)

        AxChartSpace1.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0).SetData(Owc11.ChartDimensionsEnum.chDimCategories, _
            Convert.ToInt32(Owc11.ChartSpecialDataSourcesEnum.chDataLiteral), strCategories)

        AxChartSpace1.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0).SetData(Owc11.ChartDimensionsEnum.chDimValues, _
            Convert.ToInt32(Owc11.ChartSpecialDataSourcesEnum.chDataLiteral), strValues)

    End Sub

End Class

And this is what shows up on the form:


The series name shows up in the legend, but none of the data appears. The three values for the graph are supposed to all be 528. You can see commented out that i tried using hard coded values for my data as well but that didn't work either. I've followed the sample code i've found to the letter (i think), so can anyone lend a hand?
Does your workbook have multiple sheets? If so, maybe your program is accessing a blank sheet.
Good thought, but sadly changing the code to explicitly state the worksheet required didn't work.