Vapochill XE. Looking for $400 +shipping

Bumpage for an october sale still going on....From Breaker's post, seems like my opty 148 may be a little high wattage....
BitchBreaker said:
Yea..ok listen iv built over 200 phasechange unit's from ss's to cascade's and a few autocascade's i have these unit's and ill tell u now they wont hod crap for a load on today's chip's if u want more proof go to and go check the phase section ask for chilly1 the local hvac tech on there,he's world famous for his phase unit's,he has 1 of my xe's and he will confirm even pro tuned that it wont hold a damn load for crap on 120+w chip's....
Do not crap on his thread :( I ran cascade at least 7 hours daily @- 65C cpu core temp and also tried XE and it is ok. And 200 that's a lot of phase changers :) Any of those use on WR or TOP 10 ORBs?
Bump for A Scream XE and good luck for the sale :)