Valve CEO Steaming About DRM

Sometimes Steam versions of games will lack the DRM from other games, but this hasn't been the case for recent games. Most games now require you to use a secondary service for online play (Games for Windows Live, GameSpy, etc), instead of simply using Steam for finding servers.
I remember when i HATED steam. I had dial up, and whenever HL2 came out, i had to take my computer over to my brothers house who had cable internet. That is the only thing I hated about steam. Now however, I have my own internet connection, and it's not a big deal, but I don't stay connected all the time, and I don't think you should have to be connected 100% of the time.
There's countries like Australia where ISPs charge not only for bandwith speeds, but also bandwith amounts. Like, you would on a cellphone. You get 15 GB of data a month at 5 mbps. Not sure if that's changed recently, but knowing any kind of company. They'll keep ripping you off, so long as you keep paying.
So today we got in a computer skills program at work that I deployed to the lab network and for shits and giggles I decided to take the test, and one of the questions on there was, and I shit you not: What program is an example of an internet browser: Earthlink, Netscape, Windows 98, or RedHat.

I immediately sent an e-mail out to the director asking why they had a computer skills program that was asking such dated questions.

Anyways, my co-worker mentioned his parents still use Earthlink because that is the only option they have for where they live. Would suck for his brother, and others in similar situations, if they [developers] switched to a standard full time internet connection as a DRM scheme.
There's countries like Australia where ISPs charge not only for bandwith speeds, but also bandwith amounts. Like, you would on a cellphone. You get 15 GB of data a month at 5 mbps. Not sure if that's changed recently, but knowing any kind of company. They'll keep ripping you off, so long as you keep paying.

What make this even more depressing is that no one could stand with a straight face to boycott these charges because we're so dependent on their services. Hell even organizing a nationwide protest/boycott would require the internet.