Vads with Legs (At4 video)


Mar 29, 2003
It's my nickname in Bad Company 2 :p

Was bored today and stuck in with a cold, playing BC2 all day and dicking around with FRAPS. Decided to take some footage of my AT4 kills. I usually play on Killzone Heavy Metal servers, so feel free to join me later on. So far I mastered hitting any vehicle in one or two shots, as well as parachuters. Now I'm trying to work on hitting choppers while parachuting out of other choppers. That's going to take some more practice....
Very nice skills with that weapon. I couldn't hit a thing with it if my life depended on it.
I love the music to further accentuate the pure graceful elegance of this artful display of AT4 mastery. Quite mesmerizing, my friend...quite so.
It's my nickname in Bad Company 2 :p

Was bored today and stuck in with a cold, playing BC2 all day and dicking around with FRAPS. Decided to take some footage of my AT4 kills. I usually play on Killzone Heavy Metal servers, so feel free to join me later on. So far I mastered hitting any vehicle in one or two shots, as well as parachuters. Now I'm trying to work on hitting choppers while parachuting out of other choppers. That's going to take some more practice....

i've only been able to kill a chopper once while bailing out of a another chopper(hind).. though i really wouldn't count it since it was a point blank shot as the apache was flying under the hind.. stupid gunner in the hind couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, was funny as hell though.
Holy hell. I can't use the AT4 worth a crap. That was amazing. Thanks for sharing.

You want to know what the secret is?

Completely ignore the red square crosshair. Pretend it's not there. Instead, watch the glow of the rocket and try to have it cross paths with the target. Also, shoot way ahead of where your target is going to be, not at it. If you notice in the video, the red crosshairs is nowhere near the target most of the time unless it's a straight on shot, yet I still get plenty of hits.

Try that for about 10-15 minutes and you'll start consistently hitting choppers.
nice skills, I think we should make an AT4 fanclub ;)
a lot of players are getting better with AT4 lately, Isla and heavy metal only servers are always full of them (goodbye heli whoring :( )
Good job man. I maybe hit like 4 helis at a distance with that thing out of 100+ shots. I just gave up trying xD
nicely done, love watching videos like this because it makes me want to practice more with the AT4. i always have it equipped and right now i probably land 1 in 4 shots against choppers....but it used to be around 1 in 20 :D

firas is right people are getting much better with it. i had a game the other night on atacama where i couldn't keep the chopper in the air for more than a minute or so before an AT4 would take me down...erratic flying or not.
You want to know what the secret is?

Completely ignore the red square crosshair. Pretend it's not there. Instead, watch the glow of the rocket and try to have it cross paths with the target. Also, shoot way ahead of where your target is going to be, not at it. If you notice in the video, the red crosshairs is nowhere near the target most of the time unless it's a straight on shot, yet I still get plenty of hits.

Try that for about 10-15 minutes and you'll start consistently hitting choppers.

Thanks for that tip.
Awesome video bro, good AT4 skills!!!

I also have a passion for the AT4.

Last night shot down 18 heli's in a row on defense just on the 1st set of bases on isla, it was the fast spawn KOS 24/7 isla & valpo server.

My stats, I wish they would record vehicles destroyed instead of just kills...


I'm dedicated pilot for my squad, check out these blackhawk/engi stats below.

I've traveled 3,000 kilometers or 1,900 miles in the blackhawk and 100 road kills...


Also since I'm always running as a engi, I've racked up 1000+ kills with repair tool lol..


I play this game too much, but nothing is more enjoyable then getting an epic long at4 shot on pro heli pilot.

Post up some of your stats computerpro3, I'd be interested to see what they look like.
LOL I don't even know what to say about those repair tool kills...impressive! Also, 100 roadkills in the blackhawk is pretty sweet. I'm nowhere near that.
I try to be as crazy as I can with them...though I've played maybe three times since the bf3 beta ended. I can't go back.

No...that isn't right: I won't go back.

pffft. want to impress me? do those shots with the rpg and no tracers. manly!
A lot less skill and a lot more luck involved with a fire and forget weapon. AT4 is the pinnacle of rocket manliness. Yes. Rocket Manliness.