UTP over 100m in length.. Fiber optics?


Fisting is Too Mainstream for Me
Oct 18, 2004
so i want to set an extension of my current home network, but the length is over 100 (123 meters to be exact. As u no doubt know the maximum length for UTP is 100m (333 feet) so what can i do? should i get a signal amplifier or something like that? should i use Fiber optic cable? i dunno anything about it btw :confused: i really don´t want to use WiFi or the like
any models or brands that u could recommend to me?
Unless you have to run through a super long conduit run in an office building, then fiber is your best bet.

If you control the attic space, a switch is cheap and easy. Or even better, toss in a POE injector on one side of your run, and power the switch with a POE adapter. That way you won't need power.
cat6 can go over 100m I think

Nope, sorry.

Technically you can go over 100m. I have in a few instances, but don't be surprised when you have problems. I have had <100m runs that have issues, and I have had >100m runs with no issue.
For max length be careful about florescent lighting, AC power, watch your radius turns, and keep the terminated ends nice and short.
Fiber..... man how much would 123 meters of fiber run you. Not to mention the equipment you need on both ends.

I say add a switch. super easy. all it needs is power.
thank you all for your input, i have an old 8port hub around somewhere, finally gonna put it to good use :)
could you not use Internet over your power lines? If its just browsing then this would work.