uTorrent severly slowing down RDP connections to my WHS


Fully Equipped
Mar 26, 2008
I just got my WHS up and running with uTorrent and that aspect of it works great. Problem lies when I try to RDP in to my WHS machine. If uTorrent has active torrents, even ones not downloading fast at all (my pipe is 20/5), RDP becomes so slow its almost unusable. Clicking the mouse has a 10 second delay occasionally.

I have to open the WebUI and just pause the torrents and boom, RDP is quick and snappy again. The clients are all 7 Ultimate x64 btw, and I already tried disabling the TCP auto tuning.

Any ideas?
I ran uTorrent on my desktop perfectly fine for over a year now (same router) and never experienced any network sluggishness. Since moving it to my server is when this began (yesterday).

I have a memory graph setup on the WHS machine in the MMC and free memory hovers around 400MB (1GB total) and CPU usage is nominal (~1-10%). Ran an iperf test from my desktop to the server and I'm getting a steady 950ish Mb/s.

I'm confused. :confused:
Looks like the culprit was the Marvel Yukon NIC I was using. Switched to the Nvidia Nforce NIC and all seems to be well now.
What is your cpu and mem usage? IS the server configured for background apps or services?
Look at my above post. Switched to the other NIC on the mobo and its working great now. Never slows down at all now. The Marvel one must have been faulty.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Very possible actually. Good point.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
hmmm, thats really interesting.

I, too, have been having problems with utorrent on my home box (using the onboard marvel nic).

If I have it running, at first, d/l speeds are fine and will come close to maxing out the connection... then 5-15 mins later transfer speeds will slow to 2-3kbps... not only in utorrent, but for everything. If I close utorrent, after a few seconds, speeds come back to normal and everything is good.

I've never had this issue before a few months ago. I assumed that it was verizon messing with the connection (throttling), but I've never been able to proove it. I've tried changing loads of settings and nothing has fixed it.

Is this a conflict of utorrent and the marvel drivers? or is an issue with torrents in general (p2p) with marvel drivers? I guess I'm wondering if I switch to another client, will the issue resolve itself? or will I have to buy a new PCI nic card?
I had the same problem with the speeds. I'm now convinced that it is a conflict with bittorrent and the Marvel drivers.

In your situation I suggest you just pick up a nice Intel NIC for $30.
ok, thanks criccio

I'm amazed that this issue came up (and glad that it did). I was pulling the hair out of my head trying it figure it out.

thanks again and merry xmas :)
