Utilizing Outlook for helpdesk


Aug 25, 2001

There are two IT people in our dept for about 300 users... We currently just use Outlook to have a catch-all address for help desk requests.

Lately we've been lenient and not forcing tickets as much, and I've tried spice works (tested) and it's just overkill. We need to keep better tracking of tickets and not let things fly under the radar.

Do you guys have any suggestions on rules or categories that may make this more manageable? Right now if one person replies and doesn't CC the help desk - the other engineer doesn't know what was responded.

We flag/categorize completed tickets... But I'd like some more organization, possible automation.

Thoughts? Advice greatly appreciated <3
I like it.. Thanks for the heads up.

Can they create tickets without logging in? Part of me wants them to check ticket status but I've got noobs that can barely login.. Not sure about LDAP, either.