UT2K4 or FarCry?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 5, 2001
I really can't decide which one to get. I've played both demo's, and liked them very much, and I like both styles of games (fast paced blasterama and also more stealthy type), but I can't get both at this time.

Which one should I get? :)
No doubt about it, Far Cry. The single player , IMO, is one of the best I have ever played. The graphics kick truckloads of ass, sound is awesome, and it's only $40. Multiplayer is pretty good too. If multiplayer is more your thing, then go with UT2004, you won't be dissapointed. But, I have had much more fun with Far Cry so far.
If you wanna do Singleplayer for a bit, Farcry. MP go UT2k4. They are BOTH $40 :p
If you only have the money for one I would get UT2K4. It is a uber fun game with great replay value. I like FC a little better, but once I finish it the party is over:(

You can buy FC in several months once the price drops. It's not going anywhere.
only reason i'd say get far cry right now -- because i'd rather play ut2k4 -- is because ut2k4 is coming out with a dvd version(or so i saw in a thread) sometime in april I think.

Don't quote me on this...but that is something you might want to ponder for a few minutes. DVD version is great -- 1 dvd - /drool
UT2k4..no question. What do you do when you finish Farcry? Not much of a MP game there. UT2k4 has dozens of gametypes, content and so much more. It'll keep you busy for a long time, online or offline. Besides, some of the reviews for Farcry were what I had expected: looks pretty, but lacks in gameplay.

Just my opinion.

I can see myself entertained with all the entertaining Far Cry mods out there as soon as I have finished the SP three times :D

Really Far Cry I would get. I have played 2 levels and am already totally sold. Can´t believe people who complains about the voice acting and story and such. The game is so god damn good it doesn´t matter.

There is not many games where you actually don´t know where the enemy is all the time.

But I give you that the villains in Far Cry aren´t close to the NOLF and NOLF 2 villains ;)
I bought Farcry and UT2K4 a while ago but I have only been playing Farcry so far including the MP. Haven't even opened ut2k4. Mostly waiting for RO to come out for UT2K4.
I will get ut2k4

it is all about "online"

single player u can easily download :D
I never play single playre FPS games like UT2k4 or Frycry, but I tried the demo for farcry and its really fun, even though I beat it i'm thinking about going into the game and beating it again on the hard level (this is the demo)

ALso I did not play farcry multiplayer but I think with the realistic weapons it would be more fun to play then ut2k4. Also you really feel like your in the jungle with farcry, can't say that about any other game.

Ut2k4 is no different then any other game out there, just play quake or any of those other games, its the same type of game.
I would say FarCry. You can easily entertain yourself for a couple of weeks in the SP mode alone with this game until you cacn get UT2k4. I have both and FarCry is far more entertaining than UT2k4 right now.
Well I just picked up FarCry - installing as we speak. I will get UT2K4 in a couple of weeks or so :) Thanks for the input.
ut2k4 all the way, but... i just don't like the way Far Cry looks, nor do I find it fun to play, and I think the AI sucks.

I have both demos and ut2k4 was just MUCH more fun, and the single player of ut2k4 sounds niftier
i have UT2k4 you cant go wrong with it at all. its vert pretty and it has the UT2k3 maps and the gametypes are fun. it does grow old for me in about an hour though i end up playing it later in the day. i'm waiting for target to get Farcry in store since i already have 40 $ giftcertificate there. which one MP wise would you get "BV:Vietnam" or "FarCry". im still debating everyone says both are great but im not sure which one to get as of now. i know i will pick the other up in about a mounth since i have a GameStop card which i cant find but im sure i will soon.so "farcry" or Bf:viet" for raw mulitiplayer action?
I own both and can say yea both have good/bads

FarCry = Better SP mode
UT2k4 = Better Muilti Mode

I say grab both to anyone if your comp can handle it!
UT2K4 is pretty good, but the Far Cry's SP is an amazing experience ... so I'd vote for Far Cry
Originally posted by harmonic
ut2k4 all the way, but... i just don't like the way Far Cry looks, nor do I find it fun to play, and I think the AI sucks.

I have both demos and ut2k4 was just MUCH more fun, and the single player of ut2k4 sounds niftier

Wow you don´t like the three things that makes Far Cry so much better than all the others :D Unless you count the Human AI on UT2K4 multiplayer of course ;)

But UT2K4 don´t look nearly as good as Far Cry and isn´t as fun either especially not in SP. I would only get UT2K4 if I where a mp hardcore fan. MP of UT2K4 most likes better than the MP in Far Cry.
Since I never played farcry MP, How do you assume MP will be more fun then farcry. MP in ut2k4 pisses me off after a while, first in less your a hardcore player your going to get slaughtered in that game. You die much to quickly, and as people said ut2k4 is just a fast twitch game, you just flick the mouse and hope to hit someone, becuase if you don't your a dead man.

Now farcry with a buch of people on that huge map, hiding in all those places, using the more realistic weapons, having those great graphics, I think farcry multiplayer will be much better. Don't forget you will be more on equal footing then having ut2k4 veterans having played the game for the last 3 years or so killing you like no tomorrow. I'd think that I'd not overlook farcry MP. And this is coming from someone who played MP games since doom2 days.
As much I I like UT2k4 ive just played the FC demo and really liked it, ill be getting it next, but i still think I should have got it first.