UT2004 crashes on me with new AIW 9800 Pro (128MB)


Limp Gawd
Oct 15, 2002
I thought that Catalyst 4.6 would fix this but maybe not, or maybe something is wrong in on my end. I just purchased my AIW 9800 Pro, and certain games freeze up on me, but not all the time. Games like C&CG, UT2004, and Halo.

My system specs are in my sig, i have not upgraded to the 3204 for UT2004. Could it be my card, overheating?

Anyone got any clues?

THis is the error i get in my event viewer

Hanging application UT2004.exe, version, hang module hungapp, version, hang address 0x00000000.
It say's in your sig that you have your cpu overclocked, and lord know's what else. Set your frontside bus back to default's, and put your memory timing's at spd. You should be able to figure out what's causing this.
Okay, i reclocked my cpu back down to Retail Speed (that was the only thing i had overclocked.

Now i'm still getting that problem, it happens on all games now. My screen gets all crazy (like white snow on a tv screen, except with colors) then it freezes.

I'm thinking it's a heat issue, but i've got 5 fans in my machine, 2 in( 1 side, 1 front[vantec tornado], 2 out (both rear), and one fan underneath my radeon which sucks air our through the back. And my Mobo Case is around 35c and my CPU is stable at 39~43C

Should i consider a exchange?
Scaling down your clock speed is a good start, you may also want to try reseating your card. I've noticed sometimes when my card is set badly it will just crash whenever I enter UT2k4. I assume once DX gets involved a vid card tends to stress itself out more. If it's not sitting in AGP correctly, it may just crash.. Might as well try it, you don't have much to lose at this point ;)
i tried all that, and nothing, it's weird, cause it seems as if my machine got slower and slower.

I'm confused cause when i first ran UT2004 it ran perfect at 1280x1024 at the highest settings

but now it barely runs well on 1280x960 with settings at medium

i just don't get it