Usng Mac Stumbler....


Limp Gawd
Aug 5, 2004
Hello, I have been using mac stumbler for a few weeks now. I really like it. It shows alot. I can drive around my town and pick up about 30 wireless networks unprotected. And about 2-3 that have WEP keys. First of all, is it illegal to connect to their network if it is unprotected and use the internet? THATS ALL. Second, I have an iBook and I have obviously an AirPort card in it. When I am at home, I can connect without any troubles using my AP. It is unprotected. but when I am cruzing around and I pick up a WAP, I stop and try to use it. I was thinking that the signal might not be strong enough. Thats all.


Yes, using someone else's AP - even if unprotected - is illegal. This guy got busted for unauthorized access to a protected computer by accessing a wide-open Lowes wi-fi access point.

Timmins' misdemeanor conviction will leave him better situated than Botbyl and Salcedo: his possible sentence ranges from probation, to a maximum of 12 months in custody. No sentencing date has been set.

Not really something you want to risk.