Using iTunes at work w/out admin pass

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[H]F Junkie
Mar 5, 2007
So at my new job they have everything on a network, and don't allow installation of software onto their drives. I need to bring an external drive to back up some stuff anyway, and am wondering if I can bypass the network security crap and run iTunes off of my own personal external USB drive. Would that be feasible?
If they are that strict about installing software then:

1) DO NOT bring in a personal drive to back up anything, all backups and docs should be stored on a network share.

2) Asking here to bypass any security is against the rules and frowned upon, a lot of people worked really hard to put policies and procedures in place, and some places fire for things like this.
If possible ask your I.T. department about alternatives. Sometimes they will be completely locked down but you never know. Wanting to play music is fairly common so perhaps they have a way to get you what you want without violating policy.

I have a few policies here that are unyielding but most of the time I find a way to get the user what they want. Those that have tried to sneak something past me usually just wind up looking dumb when they caught. It's not worth risking your employment because you want to listen to music.
So at my new job they have everything on a network, and don't allow installation of software onto their drives. I need to bring an external drive to back up some stuff anyway, and am wondering if I can bypass the network security crap and run iTunes off of my own personal external USB drive. Would that be feasible?

Itunes security holes are many and large. It should NEVER be allowed on compnay workstations.
So at my new job they have everything on a network, and don't allow installation of software onto their drives. I need to bring an external drive to back up some stuff anyway, and am wondering if I can bypass the network security crap and run iTunes off of my own personal external USB drive. Would that be feasible?
We are not here to help you circumvent your employer's network policies.
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