Using Isopropyl alcohol (99%) to clean electronics?

Oct 29, 2003
Is it safe to use isopropyl alcohol at 99% concentration to clean electronics especially the contact points? What's the difference between 70% and 99% concentration? Does one work better than the other? I know that rubbing alcohol is a solvent, but can it damage electronics? If not rubbing alcohol, what should I use?

Yes, the higher % of alcohol the better. Just be sure to let it sufficiently dry after you clean it. The more alcohol concentrate the better, also will evaporate faster.

The difference is simply more water in one versus the other, the less water the better.
Lower concentration means more water and other particulates, so the lower the concentration, the higher the chance there will be a film left behind. Nothing that'll damage anything, but it'll look dirty. Don't use rubbing alcohol, as it has other stuff in it that'll leave your device gunked up after it dries.
Don't use rubbing alcohol, as it has other stuff in it that'll leave your device gunked up after it dries.

huh? rubbing alcohol = isopropyl alcohol. maybe you meant denatured alcohol? (which, yes, you should NOT use)
Alcohol is bad for some plastics and rubbers, but it's pretty much the best option.
Microcenter sells a 99.9% Isopro alcohol bottle.

like Decibel said, don't get it on rubbers or plastics. eats away and turns it a chalky white