Using a server to tunnle bittorrent around a NAT

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Mar 5, 2005
Here at my school we have NAT's setup that really hinder bittorrent traffic. From what I understand so far, I can initiate connections to other people, but when somebody else tries to connect to me behind the NAT, they can't b/c the router will ignore it. If I had control of the router I would setup port fowarding so I could get bittorrent to work normally, but obviously in this situation I don't have that option.

So, after some more reading I began to think about using a proxy server, but that will only work on my outgoing traffic, and not anything incomming. So, now I am wondering if I were to setup a server at my house I might be able to use that as a proxy server to tunnel incomming traffic into my PC here at school, and establish connections with peers who initiate connections to me.

Is this idea feasible or am I just going in the wrong direction?
Nope, can't proxy bittorrent. They need to connect directly to your IP.

Also, a post about trying to circumvent a school/work network is probably against the rules here.
I would hardly think it's against the rules. I'm not breaking any school regulations, i'm just wondering how to get around the NAT so bittorrent works. It's not like the school blocks it's traffic, it's just that the NAT's screw everything up so it's extremely difficult to find somebody who you can actually connect to. That's why I was wondering if there was some way that when a peer tries to initiate a connection to me I could connect to them.
comcipher said:
I would hardly think it's against the rules. I'm not breaking any school regulations, i'm just wondering how to get around the NAT so bittorrent works. It's not like the school blocks it's traffic, it's just that the NAT's screw everything up so it's extremely difficult to find somebody who you can actually connect to. That's why I was wondering if there was some way that when a peer tries to initiate a connection to me I could connect to them.
Well, except they do that for a reason.

Quick fact that will help you out: School networks are extremely limited. Shit just won't work. Trying to get around that will likely earn you problems.
BobSutan said:
Q. How do I bypass/circumvent my school, work, or service provider's firewall/proxy/security?

You don't! Those types of devices are in place for a reason and if you choose to attempt to go around them you merely open yourself up to being expelled/fired.

Keep in mind that (a.) many people who frequent this forum are network administrators who's job it is to monitor and maintain the networks you guys use, and (b.) it opens the forum owners up to legal action should something illegal happen with help from this forum.

Should you have a truly legitimate reason for raw access to the web you must ask your network administrators for permission. Period.

Whether it is active or passive blocking, odds are it's there for a reason. Sorry.
Yeah, I figured it was a long shot, but it could be a worth while project if I could get something to work like bittorrent. I'm tempted to just set up a box at home and use it to download shit, then send it to school from that box. There's still a good chance that would be faster then the shitty speeds we get here.

EDIT: They aren't blocking bittorrent from running nor do they care if we use it or not. The problem lies in the setup of the network and there is nothing I can really do from this end. There aren't any network administrators trying to block me or anthing like that. It's a simple problem that lies with the NAT that prevents other people from initiating connections to me. And I do have legitimate uses for it, like downloading distros of linux that are only available as torrents.
Rule #1: We will not discuss network security cirumvention.
Rule #2: We will not discuss network security cirumvention.
Rule #3: We will not discuss network security cirumvention.
Rule #4: We will not discuss network security cirumvention.

Do we see a trend forming?
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