User experiences with eyefinity.

Higher constant fps usually means smoother gameplay. H Reviews shows this.

When I start gaming again in a year I hope they will have perfected this, and they will make one monitor solutions that mimic eyeinfinity. There is a monitor like this out already but it's quite pricey. IMHO, eyeinfinity is simply the beginning...and as of now, it is simply unperfected with bezel interference. Fun, but there is obviously going to be a better solutions.

You have to think that when you get those three monitors, it's going to be hard to sell them in a year since they will be old tech. Obviously anything techy isn't a good investment though. I'd rather have one big monitor however rather than three little ones that no one is going to want in a year.
He is not a nvidia fanboi as he own a 5xxx series card. I think he is just one of those persons that speaks without experience. I still think people have a mentallity that gameplay is based on numbers and framerates and seem to lack the understanding that if it works and does it well what is the problem.

I just don't understand the's not just EyeFinity, it's just about anything ATI that seems to chap this guy's ass.

Man, I'm sure not any kind of ATI fan. I've had my share of problems with ATI cards, and I've had a busload of GeForce cards and I like them just fine. I'm a full out fan of SLi.

That said, I really like EyeFinity.
I don't give a shit about FRAPS, either a game looks good to me or it doesn't.......I only care that I can get the maximum immersion whether that be FPS, resolution, graphic settings, sound, or huge picture.:D
Higher constant fps usually means smoother gameplay. H Reviews shows this.

When I start gaming again in a year I hope they will have perfected this, and they will make one monitor solutions that mimic eyeinfinity. There is a monitor like this out already but it's quite pricey. IMHO, eyeinfinity is simply the beginning...and as of now, it is simply unperfected with bezel interference. Fun, but there is obviously going to be a better solutions.

You have to think that when you get those three monitors, it's going to be hard to sell them in a year since they will be old tech. Obviously anything techy isn't a good investment though. I'd rather have one big monitor however rather than three little ones that no one is going to want in a year.

For argument's sake, I have my three dually configured so they share different computers for different tasks.
I use the EyeFinity setup for gaming, one monitor is used for my everyday tasks and web stuff, another is used as a TV and the third is also dually used for my XBox 360.
I don't see that I'm wasting a thing, and as good as these monitors are, i won't need anything new for quite a while. I used a single 2405 for 4 years just fine.

I do agree that a single, large monitor would be very cool, properly set up.
You have to think that when you get those three monitors, it's going to be hard to sell them in a year since they will be old tech. Obviously anything techy isn't a good investment though. I'd rather have one big monitor however rather than three little ones that no one is going to want in a year.

I get your point, but I don't plan on getting rid of any of my three monitors any time soon. I invested into the monitors to last me for a while. For the big vs three smaller, I would take three 17" 1400x900 monitors in eyefinity than a 60" a 1080p monitor any day. I don't think the skeptics get that you see 3 times what you would a single monitor. If you have a 24" monitor that displays 1920x1080 and you have a 50" tv that displays at 1920x1080, you see the same exact picture but only bigger. Now if you have three 24" monitors for a combined 5670x1080, than you increased your wide view by 3840 pixels wide. Instead of displaying 2.073 mega pixels, your are now displaying 6.22 mega pixels. In those video's I posted, if you cover up the two side monitors, the center is the exact same picture as if I were running a single monitor. Like I said, I don't know anyone that bought an eyefinity setup on here and hated or even disliked it, and for such a card in it's early stage, this is one of very few times have I seen so few threads with people having problems off the launch.
I just don't understand the's not just EyeFinity, it's just about anything ATI that seems to chap this guy's ass.

Man, I'm sure not any kind of ATI fan. I've had my share of problems with ATI cards, and I've had a busload of GeForce cards and I like them just fine. I'm a full out fan of SLi.

That said, I really like EyeFinity.
I don't give a shit about FRAPS, either a game looks good to me or it doesn't.......I only care that I can get the maximum immersion whether that be FPS, resolution, graphic settings, sound, or huge picture.:D

Since when did any opinion other than unconditional praise become "hate"? I just think the 5xxx series launched a bit too early and is a bit underpowered. Card availability is/was terrible, the drivers aren't very good, and the main touted feature is mostly broken and won't even work with the multi-gpu setups needed to take advantage of it. All signs of a huge rushjob, but of course 100% pro ATI people will be upset when I point out the truth. I've had and liked plenty of ATI cards but I'm not going to pretend they're something special when they're just OK.
Since when did any opinion other than unconditional praise become "hate"? I just think the 5xxx series launched a bit too early and is a bit underpowered. Card availability is/was terrible, the drivers aren't very good, and the main touted feature is mostly broken and won't even work with the multi-gpu setups needed to take advantage of it. All signs of a huge rushjob, but of course 100% pro ATI people will be upset when I point out the truth. I've had and liked plenty of ATI cards but I'm not going to pretend they're something special when they're just OK.

Have you tried eyefinity yet? Be honest.
Since when did any opinion other than unconditional praise become "hate"? I just think the 5xxx series launched a bit too early and is a bit underpowered. Card availability is/was terrible, the drivers aren't very good, and the main touted feature is mostly broken and won't even work with the multi-gpu setups needed to take advantage of it. All signs of a huge rushjob, but of course 100% pro ATI people will be upset when I point out the truth. I've had and liked plenty of ATI cards but I'm not going to pretend they're something special when they're just OK.

It's just that everywhere I look you seem to be there, in nearly every thread I visit or post in that has anything to do with these particular GPUs or EyeFinity; and not once did I or have I seen anything positive come from you at all.
It seems like your mission to berate these things, and quite frankly it's getting old.

My experience has been very positive and I'm fine with letting the practical use catch up with the technology. Yup, it sucks that the product has been scarce; but that says one of two things to me.....poor yield in manufacturing or very high demand.

I think anybody can figure out for themselves that the card is hard to find, the EyeFinity isn't finished no Crossfire yet......but hardly "broken"......
I have had no driver issues at I don't know where you are coming from there, but the 4870 X2 had a shit load of driver "issues"....which is why i gave up on it.

And I think the card is a lot bit better than "ok"
And I am no blind faith fanboy by any means.........if I thought these cards sucked, I'd be right there with you, but they don't.:)
Anyone cosidered making their own frames to house 3 monitors to remove any frames?
Anyone cosidered making their own frames to house 3 monitors to remove any frames?

I will as soon as I get the supplies and tools to do it. I just bought a house and had no furniture or anything to my name. Most likely this spring I will start and I will be doing it with fiberglass and maybe carbonfiber. Right I am broke buying just simple stuff for my house.
i assume the actual LCD isnt very sturdy where you could just take 3 panels, cut off the center left and right plastic and then cut the end of the other 2 and attach that way?
Ok this ends here. I created this thread to give others without eyefinity some in site of what it is and what it is like from personal experience from ACTUAL users. If you want to complain about issues you have or THINK you might have... please post elsewhere. Do not shit on a thread that is there to help others, not demean people with out knowing first hand of what you are talking about. Next troll that shits on this thread, I will report and ask for at least a weeks ban. Now back on topic.
Then you've got driver issues and all sorts of issues with individual games. The only way to run it acceptably is with multiple cards which doesn't work. Basically all the stars have to align to get a decent play experience: working crossfireX with good scaling, a game that plays well with it, FOVs, drivers, etc. And then half the games are going to play best with the monitors turned vertically, destroying the whole point of it since you could have used a large monitor to get basically the same view but without bezels and all the other problems.

Exaggerate much? Here are the games I play *out of the box* with zero issues: NFS Shift, Grid, Torchlight, Burnout Paradise, L4D 2 (MW2 works great with widescreenfixer). And give me a break with the portrait mode already. Before my 3xlandscape Eyefinity setup, I played on a 40" 1080p panel. Vertical height was great, immersion was good. But I'll take my triple landscape setup any day over my previous setup.
This thread will stay ON TOPIC or you will be banned.
Thank you Kyle.
Benchmark of Dirt 2
i7 920 stock for benchmark
3x2gb ddr3 1333 oc'd to1600 crucial
WD 160gb raptor
Aerocool 1010w Psu

Settings: 5760x1200, 2xAA, High settings, post processing low, DX 11
Min fps: 30.2
Max fps: 56.8
Avg fps: 34.1
Last edited:
I can not wait tell they fix crossfire and eyefinity (when they do I so want to pick up another HD5850)

for now I just can't wait to get my 3 Dells :D

Great setup there BravO seems a little low but if it is playable then all is well

OC the card and OC that 920 :D and you should pick up a few FPS (min, max, avg)

I wouldn't OC the card around the clock just because the fan is really loud but for playing Dirt 2 and any other game that needs it I would OC just for playing :p
Man these EyeInfinity setups seem really nice, just wish I had the money to try them out. Hope to see more pictures in these forum.
Just installed the hot fix and I am going to do some mad ocing to see what I can jump up to.
I went from 34 to 36 avg fps with a 31 min fps with a 3.67ghz oc on the cpu. I am going to try to oc the gpu next. One thing I have noticed is that the biggest performance killers are vsync and post processing. with vsync at the same levels my avg go to 30 fps and a min of 28 for some reason. Post processing is a serious hit but I didn't really notice any difference between it on high or low in terms of visuals.
My original settings on the first mark were high. I went and got an oc of 800 on the core and 1100 on the memory. My high settings went from 36 to 38 avg fps with a min of 33, but ultra went from 33 avg to 35 avg with a min of 31 fps from 28. The game is more than playable at my current settings.
i could get one more dell 23' and this, but i would only do it if Xfire is working %100, guess i will wait for now with my 4890 :(
I went from 34 to 36 avg fps with a 31 min fps with a 3.67ghz oc on the cpu. I am going to try to oc the gpu next. One thing I have noticed is that the biggest performance killers are vsync and post processing. with vsync at the same levels my avg go to 30 fps and a min of 28 for some reason. Post processing is a serious hit but I didn't really notice any difference between it on high or low in terms of visuals.

Dirt 2 v-sync lock seems to be at 30fps turn it off is my suggestion. Caused major hitching on my 5870 when turned on.
I have 3* 22" samsung 225BW ( i know they are old monitor ,, but they have thin edge)

and a 5970

the experience is overall awesome!!!!
the only complain is .. the monitor that plug into the displayport >> DVI adapter don't works the first time i start my computer,
i always need to restart the computer to get it to work..
but other then that!!
everything else is good!!


resident evil 5

all these games works great with eyefinity,
i think eyeyfinity will be the most important feature , when i upgrade my video card next time
I'm in a similar situation. I am currently two paychecks away from the completion of my new build. My other internal components are already here. Core i7 860 processor, MSI GD80 P55 motherboard, 4GBs Corsair Dominator memory (buying another 4GBs soon) I bought the HP 2509m monitor and an xfx HD 5750 just to survive until I have the cash for an HD 5970 and the three Dell 23" monitor setup.

I really can't wait. I've been out of the loop for a bit...

So will that MSI give you x16/x16 in crossfire or does it go down to x8/x8?

Just wondering, I am confused wether it is a board limitation or a processor limitation. Or is it a Lynnfield vs. Bloomfield deal?
So will that MSI give you x16/x16 in crossfire or does it go down to x8/x8?

Just wondering, I am confused wether it is a board limitation or a processor limitation. Or is it a Lynnfield vs. Bloomfield deal?

8x/8x, it's a Lynnfield vs Bloomfield thing. There are P55 boards with a NF200 chip, but I don't know if that helps performance at all.
I just got my DP to VGA adapter from monoprice last night for $20. Already had a 21" dell monitor 1600x1200, picked up 2 referbished 21" thinkvision monitors from ecost for $85 each, a radeon 5770 from new egg for $160 put it all together and everything worked great. Total cost about $350.
I set up my eyefinity portrait style 3x1 for a resolution of 3600x1200 to play everquest2 and I must say it looks and plays great. I love the extra vertical space. And the side monitors really immerse you into the game so much more then one monitor.
here are some pics.
eq2 dark

Awesome budget setup. A lot of people here, I feel, think that eyefinity cost an arm and a leg which is not the case. I paid 280 for my card, got a free copy of Dirt 2 (a 40 dollar game I was going to buy anyway), 2 more gateway fhd2401 at 250 each, and a 100 dollars for the adapter. Total cost was 880 and that was with a decent budget. If I would have been on a budget ie: 5770 at 170, 3 tft 22" monitors at 130 each, and an active dp to dvi adapter for 100. total 660 minus 130 if I already had a 22" monitor.

Nice pics. That looks pretty awesome. I am looking forward to getting Eyefinity setup soon. Hopefully by Xmas. My desktop space is lacking so I'll have to run in 3x1 portrait mode though.
I've got 3x Dell p2310h monitors running in eyefinity..

I play Dirt 2 at 5760x1080 with no AA, but all other settings cranked.

According to a fraps bench, here were the numbers -

min 28 average 38.8 max 43

2x aa causes a 6 fps hit on the minimum end, a 3 fps hit on average and a 3 fps hit on max.

4x aa brings the minimum down to 12.. I think that setting hits the wall on memory usage.

post processing on high increases the effects quality and lighting, but causes a sizeable performance hit.

Most games run great maxed out on a single 5870 at this resolution. My Dirt 2 framerates aren't very high, but they are very consistent and feel smooth. (almost always at 38-39 fps)


Would you mind doing a dirt 2 bench with 0x and 2x AA with post-processing on high and everything else as high as it will go? I'm considering upgrading my rig to an i7 next year and I'm wondering what kind of performance benefits I might see in a game like this vs my core 2 duo.

Try turning down your post processing and vsync off and tell me how that does for performance. I can run 2xAA at ultra settings with pp low and vsync off and get no less than 30fps min, but I can run 4xAA at high settings with pp low and vsync off and still get no less than 30fps min. I haven't spoted much of a difference between running post processing from high to low, so I just leave it on low because it very hardware intensive.
I've got 3x Dell p2310h monitors running in eyefinity..

I play Dirt 2 at 5760x1080 with no AA, but all other settings cranked.

According to a fraps bench, here were the numbers -

min 28 average 38.8 max 43

2x aa causes a 6 fps hit on the minimum end, a 3 fps hit on average and a 3 fps hit on max.

4x aa brings the minimum down to 12.. I think that setting hits the wall on memory usage.

post processing on high increases the effects quality and lighting, but causes a sizeable performance hit.

Most games run great maxed out on a single 5870 at this resolution. My Dirt 2 framerates aren't very high, but they are very consistent and feel smooth. (almost always at 38-39 fps)


Would you mind doing a dirt 2 bench with 0x and 2x AA with post-processing on high and everything else as high as it will go? I'm considering upgrading my rig to an i7 next year and I'm wondering what kind of performance benefits I might see in a game like this vs my core 2 duo.

LOL I was posting before I saw your edit, but yeah, I can do that for you. I will post it later tonight.
Here you go. All benchmarks done with vsync off as it seems it's locked at 30fps. i7 920 at 3.6ghz and 5850 at stock speeds. This was done with the in game benchmark.
5760x1200, 2xAA, All high settings
pp on high
min = 13 avg = 15
pp on mid
min = 29 avg = 33
pp on low
min = 31 avg =35
5760x1200, 2xAA, all med settings
pp on high
min = 25 avg = 30
pp on med
min = 32 avg = 38
pp on low
min = 36 avg = 40
5760x1200, no AA, all high settings
pp on high
min = 25 avg = 29
pp on med
min = 30 avg = 37
pp on low
min = 34 avg = 39
Here you go. All benchmarks done with vsync off as it seems it's locked at 30fps. i7 920 at 3.6ghz and 5850 at stock speeds. This was done with the in game benchmark.
5760x1200, 2xAA, All high settings
pp on high
min = 13 avg = 15
pp on mid
min = 29 avg = 33
pp on low
min = 31 avg =35
5760x1200, 2xAA, all med settings
pp on high
min = 25 avg = 30
pp on med
min = 32 avg = 38
pp on low
min = 36 avg = 40
5760x1200, no AA, all high settings
pp on high
min = 25 avg = 29
pp on med
min = 30 avg = 37
pp on low
min = 34 avg = 39

Thanks. Looks like the oc'ed i7 doesn't help that much.
I might be wrong but won't vsync lock you at 60fps, assuming your fps would be over 60, and at 30fps if it dips between 30-60fps, unless you have triple buffering enabled?
price :)

so if enfinity works with a 5970 should it not work with a normal 2 cards? since both are essential Xfire...

Not yet. ATI fixed the drivers for Eyefinity to work with a single 5970 but no word yet on when they will fix it to work with Crossfire in general. I'd love for that to be fixed soon though, as right now in Eyefinity, only one of my 5970s would be used.
I have been using it for a few days and for gaming it's great.

The only issues I have and I guess it depends on the size of your monitor and how far you sit back is for windows applications and how far the start bar is. My monitors are in landscape and I prefer them compared to portrait. I sit close to my screens and maybe I shouldn't, I keep turning my head to see the start bar and it sucks. If I put the monitors in portrait then that issues is gone but I love the wide aspect of landscape.

That's my only problem unless I am missing something?

As great as gaming with it is, it really feels in excess. I think about all the money I dished out buying two more monitors the displayport to dvi adapter. The video card, it adds up fast.
Awesome budget setup. A lot of people here, I feel, think that eyefinity cost an arm and a leg which is not the case. I paid 280 for my card, got a free copy of Dirt 2 (a 40 dollar game I was going to buy anyway), 2 more gateway fhd2401 at 250 each, and a 100 dollars for the adapter. Total cost was 880 and that was with a decent budget. If I would have been on a budget ie: 5770 at 170, 3 tft 22" monitors at 130 each, and an active dp to dvi adapter for 100. total 660 minus 130 if I already had a 22" monitor.

$280 for what card?

Dirt 2 is a steam download however, no resale value.

If you were on a budget you would eliminate one of the $250 monitors and the dp to dvi adapter(ludicrous that you would have to pay that much just to get eyeinfinity to work) that cost you $100...that is a $350 savings.

$350 means something to most people...maybe not the high rollers in this thread :D

There is still the bezel issue with this set up. It's like paying for an unfinished product in that regard.
$280 for what card?

Dirt 2 is a steam download however, no resale value.

If you were on a budget you would eliminate one of the $250 monitors and the dp to dvi adapter(ludicrous that you would have to pay that much just to get eyeinfinity to work) that cost you $100...that is a $350 savings.

$350 means something to most people...maybe not the high rollers in this thread :D

There is still the bezel issue with this set up. It's like paying for an unfinished product in that regard.

280 for the 5850 and a copy of dirt2

If you don't want to pay to get it to work than no biggie.

True, but eyefinity is a long term investment and it's not like you are going to sell your monitors when you sale your cards.

Not this again. :D If you read most of the users experiences, how big of an issue do they make it if any? The ones complaining about the bezels are the ones not playing on eyefinity... for the most part.
bezels bezels bezels! That is all I hear from people when they see eyefinity pictures.


On the other side of my bezels are glorious continuations of my grand eyecandy!