User accounts need help after reinstall


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 11, 2003
I know.........everyone loves a fresh install, but I am trying to preserve a few things, so on to the problem.

I had a repair install go awry, so I opted to attempt to install XP "over itself" (the same directory). Well, it went ok, but the user accounts for my kids are not there now.........the files are all there in documents and settings, but it's similar to the profile being corrupt - except the accounts havent been created yet in the new install.

I am assuming all I need do is copy the files into the new accounts, but so you think the software that was installed will work ok once I move the startup groups into the new install? I have a feeling the registry has been completely replaced, and I have some work to do ahead to reinstall everything.
with a reinstall ('over itself') not a repair, Im going to guess your apps need to be reinstalled as well.
Reinstall the apps. Copy the Doc&Settings to new accounts. The application data should retain for the new accounts. good luck.
Well, after forgetting to un-hide the hidden files, I did lose some settings in two profiles, but no big loss. All the files from all the users are intact, and some of the programs still work normally. Some others act as if newly installed and not activated, and some don't work at all(nothing a re-install won't handle). I might play around a bit, but I think I might burn the files, and format fresh just for the heck of it. I need to make a list of installed software and its current status first though to see if I have anything I can't do without.
Reinstall the apps. Copy the Doc&Settings to new accounts. The application data should retain for the new accounts. good luck.

Sorry. Probably only 60% apps that are msi based would probably work as you described. It will not restore the user and system wide registry changes made by the previous installation.

Only way truly do a real restore is always backup the entire registry as text, copy and paste the few keys that are required. Restoring Windows server from a tape is a nightmare, especially Windows server like Terminal server where individual profiles are very complex.