USB Beverage Cooler, any one use one?

I received one of these as a Christmas present. I think it is actually pretty nice. It does keep your beverages cool and the cold plate does get cold. It's great for keeping your beverages on when you're near your computer.
I received one of these as a Christmas present. I think it is actually pretty nice. It does keep your beverages cool and the cold plate does get cold. It's great for keeping your beverages on when you're near your computer.

oh cool thanks for the comment, i might have to get one of these now :D
I've got one of these in my office at work and it's got it's uses. Some things worth noting:

  1. It will not make anything colder than it already is.
  2. Your drink will eventually get warm, it will just do it at a slower rate.
  3. This device does draw more than 0.5A so it is possible to fry your USB port if it is an old computer.
  4. It works great as a wrist rest if the air conditioning in the building stops working in the middle of summer.
I finish my drink too fast for this to work for me, but I like the idea.