usb 2.0 or pci wireless adapters


Oct 11, 2003
I have not used wireless in a very long time and searching around I only get very old discussions about this that seem to favor to use pci adapters
I wanted to know if this is still the case as I would love the convenience of a usb adapter but I dont want to sacrifice performance and reliability (a gaming PC will be using the adapter)
Well i dont know how the usb ones perform now, but I would suggest a pci one as the range is better (or as it used to be always better than the usb ones) how ever, if your not too far away from the router than im sure the usb one will be fine.

But as you say you want to use it on a gaming pc, I dont know how much of a gamer you are, but the problem with wireless is the packet loss that you can get, so depending on how good of a signal you have etc.., a pci one may be the way to go.
PCI is still going to be the best bet for a stable wireless connection.... USB isn't bad, but PCI is better...

What type of game are you talking about playing? Like WoW or a FPS? Wireless is going to add some amount of latency, depending on how many clients are sharing the access point and what the load is on the AP, wireless may not work well... For example if you've got another PC on the same AP trying to run bittorrent, Netflix, or similar apps, a FPS may have unacceptable lag... WoW probably would be OK in a similar situation... YMMV.
yep fps games mostly there's at most two others that use the wireless with their laptops with a 360 wired directly in.