US NTSB Shakes Finger at Tesla, but Why?

Potentially "can" kill?

OK, I think that potential has already been realized, it was just Uber's "autopilot" doing the killing.

Look I don't have to tell you that people get killed. It has never stopped and autonomous cars won't stop it either. People live and people die. Yes these systems have and will kill people, so do small objects when infants swallow them and many other things. All we can ever do is our best, life goes on. So the topic again was what?

Oh yes, the NTSB is pissed at Tesla, because Tesla released details about an ongoing investigation, not surprised at all.
Yes, because killing people for the MFW is a good thing, so why bother avoiding it?
Yes, because killing people for the MFW is a good thing, so why bother avoiding it?

Sorry, I don't know what MFW is.

And I never said that it shouldn't be avoided, only that it must also be accepted because it will happen.
This just in. Tesla reclassifies the controversial term "autopilot" to "autodriver" with the addendum - "Suck it NTSB!"