Upgrading my system


Limp Gawd
Jan 12, 2009
I'm looking to make some much-needed upgrades to my system (in sig). I'd like to take it one step at a time. I know ram is cheap so the first step will be to switch out my ram for 2 2Gb sticks.

Next step was going to be upgrading my video card. Moving from SLI'ed 7950GT's, just about anything will be an improvement.

I think that I'd like to stay with Nvidia, so that I can keep my SLI options open (since I have an SLI motherboard).

So the debate is between a 260, 280 or 285. My main sticking point is, at what point will my new video card have diminishing returns due to the rest of my system (cpu...)?

I'd like to keep my video card below $300 if possible, but I always tend to overshoot my budget.

Thanks for the advice.
gtx260: i have a similar build, so cpu will def. be holding you back, so no point in wasting money on slightly higher performance your system won't benefit from, at least not enough for you to notice anyway. plus it's the best bang for the buck out of those three choices, and you can always migrate the card to a future build if need be.

here is an evga 192sp gtx260 for $180 after m-i-r.


216sp evga model for $200 after m-i-r

I don't think that you should just stick with Nvidia just because of your mobo. I mean, any modern SLi config would be limited by your cpu anyways, so it would be a waste. That being said, if you want the best, I would go with a 4850 would do for your system.
Hmm, well it depends on how long you take upgrading your CPU/mobo/memory. That will determine your diminishing returns on a GPU, it's all relative!

My advise would be that if you really want a new GPU now and don't want to spend tons of cash get a GTX260 core216 and enjoy it. They are already cheap and if you go to an SLI set-up again someday soon you will have quite a lot of graphics power.

BTW, I actually ordered the card that was recommended above from Newegg for a person whom I did a build for and it was a GTX260 Core 216 according GPU-z... Excellent bang for the buck considering the person I built for paid about $250 for it..