Upgrading home phone block


Limp Gawd
Mar 28, 2002
Please excuse the ignorance as I try to describe my plan. I have a line coming in from outside with 1 pair of wires. Each wire is "screwed" down into a metal block. There is also another metal block with 1 bigger wire attached, I assume it is a ground.

I want to install a 66 block and punch down, I will have one line connected to my DSL modem, the other line connected for my water system. We do not use a home phone. It seems fairly easy to do, but what about a surge? Any really basic plans?

A lot of the time, they will install a NID outside but keep the old protector in the basement.
If that's the case, you can replace the inside protector with a small 66 block.

I assume your DSL and phone are on the same line from the telco.

Personally I would get a DSL filter that mounts in the NID, unfiltered output goes to the DSL modem and filtered goes to the water meter. If you don't have a NID the telco should install one at no cost (call them and say you hear static on the phone when it rains and don't have a test jack)
