upgrading hard drive possibly have a quick question


Limp Gawd
Oct 23, 2005
I currently have a 250gb maxtor sata with 8mb cache and a raptor 150gb drive, i was thinking about getting a 500mb drive for mp3s, movies, etc and wondered if going from 8mb cache to 16mb cache would make a noticeable difference? The seek times are bothe similar.. Any feedback here would be appreciated thanks
IMHO cache size at this point in the hardware generation is really a useless condiseration >>>>> the cache only makes a difference for a milli second >>>> one the 8mgs are filled the drive then dumps the cache and begins the write process >>>>> wheter your cache is full at 8mgs or 16mgs when you are writing a 4 gig video files means absolutely nothing. Same as the burst transfer rate >>>>>> useless sales talk.

The spec to pay attention to is SUSTAINED transfer rate
"mp3s, movies, etc" doesn't really sound like it'd benefit from the extra cache. It sounds like you'll just be using it as a storage dump, so throughput and access times won't be very critical.
well yeah , my primary hd is only used for the os and mass storage , the raptor holds my games, thanks for the info.