upgrading from nvidia 8800 to a 470 gtx


Jul 4, 2006
how should i do it?

just pull the card whack the new one in and reinstall the latest drivers?

or is there a "cleaner" way to do it? Cba reformatting

running win7x64 if it matters
Upgrade to the latest Nvidia drivers, and drop the card in. It very well might "just work", thanks to Nvidia's unified driver thingy.
I sense a possible bottleneck. please post your computer specs so we can help you/ suggest better things
You could try the above, or uninstall graphics drivers, pop it in, then install new drivers.
Nvidia drivers now have clean install option. Just make sure it's checked during install and you should be good to go. Basically, it'll wipe your previous driver before installing the new one.
when i did 8800gtx to gtx480, i just pulled one out and stuck the next one in, and updated the drivers regularly. Worked fine. HUGE jump in performance too. Like holy crap.