upgrading from geforce 6200 to 6600

Sep 17, 2006
Well i might do this upgrade. First i want to know how much of a difference it would make. Would it be worth it? Thanks for any help you might have.
Since the 6600s go for about $53 I'm guessing no.

I'd prefer this on a tight budget for upgrade but I don't even know if you have PCI-E or AGP.
Some 6200s can actually be softmodded to 6600, particularly ones with a pci-e interface. Might be something to try before you buy a new card.

Don't waste your time. Save up and get a 7600GS or GT. Either would be a noticeable increase.

6200 --> 6600 not worth it
As has already been said, an upgrade from 6200->6600 would be a barely noticeable one. Save up some dough and buy something like a X1600pro/7600GS/GT.
I upgraded my albatron 6200 128MB to a msi 6600 256MB, and while I was able to play at significantly higher resolutions in all my games, I would go ahead and get a 7600 series card unless your getting the 6600 for way cheap off a friend or something. Also, there are some 6600 cards with cut down clockspeeds, and they are definately not worth it.
Ok, I am sure to be flamed but what the heck. I picked up a XFX 6800XT for cheap money and could not be happier. Decent clock speeds 256 bit interface very overclockable. I am running a 20" monitor at 1600 X 1200 and getting 45 - 50 fps in FS2004. Love the card (well not really) :)


PS. Make sure you look at the model with the 256 bit interface, not the 128 bit interface. They appear very similar if you don't look closely.
You should get a used 6800 that can be unlocked to 16pp or has been unlocked already. You will see a huge performance increase between 4pp and 16pp or even 12pp. I had a 6200 and it was bearly a step up from a 5500, and that card was bad.