Upgrading Cheap Build


Limp Gawd
Oct 5, 2008
Hey guys so a friend recently bought a PC off craigslist with the following specs:

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6750
GFX: 8800 GTS
PSU: 500 Watt

What should he upgrade first and what is the most powerful GFX card that this motherboard will support.

Sorry if this is in the wrong subforum
First off, what brand PSU?

Check the BIOS version, latest can support an E8400 which can be had for about $25 on ebay. Also, 4GBs of RAM wouldn't be a bad idea (bout $40 on ebay).

An SSD as mentioned would be a fine addition. As far as a GPU goes.. I'd say anything past a 550ti or 7750 would be a waste with a Core 2 Duo.
How much did he pay for it?

What gaming and resolution is going to be used? Other replies already asking good questions.
Hey guys so a friend recently bought a PC off craigslist with the following specs:

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6750
GFX: 8800 GTS
PSU: 500 Watt

What should he upgrade first and what is the most powerful GFX card that this motherboard will support.

Sorry if this is in the wrong subforum

I have a similar system here running a Core 2 Duo E6400, 3GB DDR2, Radeon 4800 series. He really needs to move to a different platform, 775 is long dead. If he isn't gaming then he's fine though obviously. But if he's planning on gaming, then a temporary fix could be:

120/240GB SSD (faster load, put in future upgrade system),
Core 2 Duo E8400 (~$25 investment on a good dual core lga 775 CPU),
and the best GPU you can find.

The SSD and GPU could be used temporarily and put in the future gaming machine. And for $25 an E8400 is great as a temporary fix.

That's my advice. What you're aiming for is buying parts he *can use* currently, but their primary focus is use on a future system. The E8400 being the only exception. I would say get more ram as well but DDR2 costs too much and you wouldn't be able to use it in a newer system anyways.

You're also going to have to check out his power supply, specifically the ATX 12V compatability. 775 boards have the 4 pin 12V ATX but newer motherboards require an 8 pin connection. So he might need a new power supply as well when moving to a different platform.

Or you could just have him re-sell it and use that $ to buy an FX 6300 + Motherboard combo from Microcenter. :p
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I would only spend money on an SSD and video card because they can be brought over to a new system when he can afford to build one.