Upgrades Needed


Limp Gawd
Apr 2, 2002
Atm i have:

p4 2.8ghz
gigabyte ga-8ihxp
512mb rdram
ati 9800 pro
sound blaster audigy pro
2 80gb maxtor drives
430w antec psu

I am having all sorts of problems with newer games. In WOW and EQ2 i have horrible hang ups. Usually in a more populated areas, and more graphic intense areas, my computer will lock up for a good 10secs before moving again. This is with everything on the lowest settings, no af, and no aa. I've had this computer for more than a few years so i thought it would be a good idea to upgrade.

I would like to keep any of the hardware that will work well with graphically intense games, but want to upgrade anything that wont. What do you guys think i should upgrade, and with what hardware? I wont be doing any overclocking or benchmarking so im just looking for the hardware that will run WOW and newer games smoothly while still looking good. Thanks a lot for the help.
Do you have a socket 478 or LGA775 CPU?

You're probably going to have to upgrade the works, unfortunately - motherboard, video card, everything. You can probably keep your PSU and your hard drives should be fine.
socket 478. im prepared to pretty much upgrade everything if needed. What should i upgrade to? I dont want to run into the same problems in the future like i am now. Unless thats inevitable. If i upgraded the needed hardware to the top of the line hardware now, how long do you think they would last? I dont mean how long they would last till they die, but how long they would meet the min requirements on future games to come.

Im wondering if i should just upgrade whats needed with the cheapest hardware available that would achieve what i want, or buy the more expensive, top of the line, hardware that would hopefully last a while (pretty much build a new computer). I just dont know what to do. Newer games are progressively getting more graphically intense and requiring better hardware to run well, and newer, better hardware is coming out every couple months to replace the hardware from months before. I guess what im asking is should i just build a new top of the line comp, or just upgrade the needed hardware in my current comp to run games like WOW and EQ2? Thanks a lot for the advice.
No idea where your budget is, but I found myself in the same boat recently. I play City of Heroes/Villains, and recent updates have added in substantial graphical candy that choked my current system down to its knees (and 4-5 FPS during fights). Obviously not acceptable, so I bite the bullet and did a full upgrade to top-o-the-line stuff...delivery due tomorrow. :D

Check out the specs on my new computer and think about it as a good starting point. Research I did pointed to this as near bleeding edge, and I'm hoping will last in the 2 to 4 year timeframe.
I guess my budget is whatever it takes to do what i want. Im not talking every single piece of hardware being the most expensive and best on the market. I just want to buy smart, and get solid, well recommended hardware that will work for me.

I'm pretty much going to have to upgrade my mobo, ram, and vid card to run today's mmorpg's and future more graphically intense games smoothly correct? Will my p4 2.8ghz hold up or do i need something faster? My ati 9800 pro wouldnt work if i just upgraded my mobo and ram? Damn i remember when it was the top of the line and i thought it was still awsome =/. I'm really behind on whats new and the best buy so recommendations are very appreciated. Thanks
NooNe said:
I'm pretty much going to have to upgrade my mobo, ram, and vid card to run today's mmorpg's and future more graphically intense games smoothly correct? Will my p4 2.8ghz hold up or do i need something faster? My ati 9800 pro wouldnt work if i just upgraded my mobo and ram? Damn i remember when it was the top of the line and i thought it was still awsome =/. I'm really behind on whats new and the best buy so recommendations are very appreciated. Thanks

Here's the problem: No, your 9800 PRO would no longer work if you upgraded your mobo, because new motherboards no longer have AGP, but PCI-E. Also, since you want to upgrade based on game performance, upgrading your CPU, mobo and memory but then keeping the video card would be wasting your money.

Likewise, your CPU will no longer work, since it's socket 478. There are no more socket 478 PCI-E motherboards (there was only like one in the first place, but it has since been discontinued and is impossible to find). Your memory is also no good, as RDRAM is way outdated and no longer supported. So you would need to upgrade your video card, motherboard, CPU and memory to have a good upgrade. This is what I would suggest:

- ASUS P5LD2 ATX Intel Motherboard http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813131538 ($118.99)
- Sapphire X1600XT http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814102657 ($149.00)
- Intel Pentium D 820 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16819116213 ($210.00)
- CORSAIR ValueSelect 2GB (2 x 1GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820145098 ($149.00)

Total upgrade cost... $629.99
what if i wanted to go amd? would i get a better gaming experience? could i find something that would work just as well but cheaper? I've been having problems with my current computer for a while now. Today my motherboard failed or my raid on my mb failed so im just going to replace everything. I would like to replace it as soon as possible, but im not going to buy the first thing i see. I would like different options to consider. thanks.
Well, I'll give you a feel for how the system I outlined performs come Tuesday night. Would have had it up by now, but the mobo I received had a bad secondary PCI-E slot, and replacement due in tomorrow.
