Upgraded from an AIO to Custom Hardline


Nov 28, 2010

I've been working on a project for awhile. The funds finally came through to upgrade the water cooling from an AIO to hardline cooling. Since the site I won my case from had me set on an orange and black theme, I went with clear acrylic with Orange coolant, though I am now waiting on UV Orange dye to come in.

Anyways, I've been blogging the build and all previous activity (as well as a slimline mATX streaming machine) at Nilk's Place and I'd be glad for any feedback.
Hardline always makes everything look so much cleaner. Not sure why I find that route a little weird running from the 2nd GPU to the Res (lack of 2nd Rad maybe, not 'really' needed) and you managed cramming that massive reservoir in there. Good job bending the tubes and glad you painted over those white covers.