Upgrade Your Ford With A Flux Capacitor


Aug 20, 2006
Ford has thrown together a little video advertising a mock Flux Capacitor in preparation for Back to the Future day. Next Wednesday—October 21, 2015—is the future date that Marty travels to in the BTTF sequel.
Ford's interiors are pretty shit to begin with so why not make it uglier and tacky?
Cheap nasty CGI.

Just think of the cool advert they could have made with a fully fitted out Focus RS in full time machine getup, and Christopher Lloyd in his Doc Brown costume using his remote control backing the car out of a truck on the Twin Pines parking lot, saying that this time, getting up to 88.8MPH is not a problem.

I guess the Ford Marketing department are running a little lean!
Cheap nasty CGI.

Just think of the cool advert they could have made with a fully fitted out Focus RS in full time machine getup, and Christopher Lloyd in his Doc Brown costume using his remote control backing the car out of a truck on the Twin Pines parking lot, saying that this time, getting up to 88.8MPH is not a problem.

I guess the Ford Marketing department are running a little lean!

Lloyd and Fox are already in an ad for the Toyota Mirai. I wouldn't say they're running lean... rather they probably realized last week that Oct 21st is something on the internet people have an interest in and slapped something together cheap and quick... resulting in something that looks like CG from a crap game cut scene circa 1995.

I find it funny they couldn't even use a decent picture of the interior, and left in that giant splotch next to the wiper control(they probably just used an image straight off the website and it was for a link to give more details or something).

Hell, they have a car called the "fusion" and couldn't come up with a way to tie it in to BTTF2(the Mr Fusion on the back of the delorean)? Maybe put the time circuits on the touch screen in the center console?
Hell, they have a car called the "fusion" and couldn't come up with a way to tie it in to BTTF2(the Mr Fusion on the back of the delorean)? Maybe put the time circuits on the touch screen in the center console?

Maybe they realized people would be pissed off that they can't run their cars on random garbage. Or people would actually try putting random garbage into their Ford Fusions and placing warranty claims when their cars die.