Upgrade Vid card or Ram for gaming...


Mar 8, 2005
My gaming PC is getting long in the tooth but I am not quite ready to replace it yet. When I do, I will build a compleatly new PC and use this one as a secondary. So I am not worried about forward compatability hardware wise.

I play a few FPS games but not hard. Mostly I play MMORGS, RPGs, and RTS. Current flavor is World of Warcraft. I do some desktop work etc, but I have a laptop I do most of my buisness on.

Current setup is:

Abit NF7-S
Barton mobile OC'd to 2260 (205x11)
512M (2x256) Crucial (value) 2,4,4,10 running dual channel
GF Ti4200 OC'd a bit faster then a Ti4600
Hitachi 160 gig SATA
Win XP

I ran the CPU at 215x11 but it became unstable after a year. I have not tested enough to know if its the CPU or RAM that is fussy.

So, I have about US$150 to spend on a lil upgrade to this PC. I am not sure wich would be a better upgrade. Going to 1gig (2x512) or getting a new Vid Card.

I am looking at
Corsair XMS

XFX Geforce 6800

So, for a last upgrade for a gaming machine that will be relagated to a secondary in a few months... wich is a better bang for the buck? I do not plan on saving up and spending more on this PC as it will be replaced by anouther PC in the not to distant future.

Ok, lemme restate this anouther way. When I buy a new system I will STILL use this one. It runs WoW ok but would like it a bit faster. The $150 I am spending on this one is just some spare spending money from the way I budget things. It won't effect what I spend on the new system. When I buy the new system probly gonna go with a SLI mobo and one maybe 2 top of the line 7800's. Money for it not an issue.
I vote for saving that money for the new computer if you're going to be upgrading in the not too distant future.
I agree, save for a new rig and don't upgrade your current one at all.

Otherwise, keep a close watch on the FS/FT forum and score a deal to upgrade both in your current setup.