Upgrade to Custom Loop?


Limp Gawd
Aug 16, 2012
Hey guys,

Is it worth it to upgrade my Corsair H100 that I have cooling my i5-3570K to a custom loop? I currently have it running at 4.8 GHz. Would I be able to push it harder with a custom loop, or will it just look cooler? Thanks!
hmm, judging by what I have read overall, 4.8-5.2 seems limit period(without extreme cooling and even then) A custom loop might look cooler and operate cooler with more overhead, but higher then 4.8 luck of the draw, hell 4.8 on that chip provided everything is jacked with it is bloody fast as is man.
For just the CPU, no. But if you want to add one or more GPU's, etc., then custom is the only way to go and will give better performance. Also, if you deal with varying ambient temps, a superior custom setup will give room for when the ambient temps are higher.
If the chip will allow you to get there then yes water cooling will bring temps down nicely. I had to use 1.45v to hit 5.0, my H110 still didn't give me temps I was happy with, 89c on one core. Im back on my EVO now and happy with 4.8. Its a lot of money to spend for another 200mhz, that you prob wont even notice.
law of diminishing returns when you are at the very tip of what a chip can do, cooling only does so much, but that is a very good point, when ambient temps are higher having more capacity might allow you to up the clock a bit more, but the biggest thing is for the higher capacity, Ivy chips are very good power consumption figures at stock but it does not take much of an overclock for temps/power to start spiraling upwards obviously requiring cooling to combat this at least to a certain point, suppose it depends on how "good" of a chip you have is how much you can push it and where it will clock up to.

If I were to do a custom cooling solution I want a big water just to act as the reservoir you know like water cooler jug size :p that or I would take an old water heater, bury it in a hole in the backyard somewhere(or basement) and just pump it from that, this way here you can run multiple of everything and pretty much not have to worry about capacity at that point.

Something else the block makers should do is a higher pressure pump and have the inlet atomize the spray as the heat absorbing qualities would be higher and not require as much overall flow rate, misting is very effective at cooling vs just a constant stream, part of the reason why AC works as it does.