upgrade problem :(


Nov 9, 2005
popped in x3 720 into a asus m3a78-cm but having freezing problem...will post all the way to desktop and then...no go. changed back to my old amd x4 9750 and works fine...need advise
2 gig 1066 gskill
xclio 500w
msi 8800gt 512mb
xp pro sp2
bios current v.1201
Does it only happen when you get to the desktop in XP? Have you tried loading Safe Mode, or just letting the system sit idle for a few minutes at BIOS setup? Might wanna check on the CPU temps while you're there. Sounds like it could be overheating, or check with the mobo company if that model CPU is supported
I know its not what you want to hear but if you have a spare HDD lying around, you should try a fresh install of Windows. You will know if its a hardware issue if it freezes up during install.
sometimes u need a fresh windows with a new processor upgrade...but more importantly check the vcore in your bios..i have read many ppl having trouble just like u even after a new bios update some motherboards are delivering low voltage to the cpu by default....if the that is the case increase it manually to around 1.35-1.4volts for stock runs...try it
Try Windows Repair when you boot with the Windows disk in the CD/DVD ROM. Hit F5, F10 or F12, whatever key it is to get Win Repair running. Once running it may take an hour to complete. Frequently this works when switching mobos so it should work when switching CPUs, but I never had a problem when switching CPUs and only had a problem when switching mobos but not always.
thkz for all the reply...the sys goes all the way as far as running everest ultimate for a sec to see temps on the bottom right corner and it does fluctuate between 39-41 f with min load...will try again later to set vcore to specified voltage...and lastly if all fail will reformat hdd...thank you for the help
I had the same problem. It's windows. It requires a fresh install after you change the CPU. I hate it....
say it isnt soooo...but was the speed make up for the fresh install or can i just repair windows?
Once more, try this:

Try Windows Repair when you boot with the Windows disk in the CD/DVD ROM. Hit F5, F10 or F12, whatever key it is to get Win Repair running. Once running it may take an hour to complete. Frequently this works when switching mobos so it should work when switching CPUs, but I never had a problem when switching CPUs and only had a problem when switching mobos but not always.

Using Windows Repair allows Windows to use generic drivers etc. to initially run on a new mobo or CPU etc., then you can install your new mobo drivers etc. etc. etc. once you have Windows running and recognizing a new mobo or CPU etc., OR try loading your new mobo drivers from the driver disk that came with the mobo when you boot, but since you are haveing problems it seems with your CPU and not a mobo JUST RUN WINDOWS REPAIR WHEN YOU BOOT as explained in the previous paragraph.
Get Vista, problem solved. ;)

I've been through 3 complete (CPU, mobo, vid card, ram) hardware upgrades and am still on the same install of Vista without a single problem. That's the one thing MS got right with Vista at least.
Again thanks for all the help will definitely try Window Repair and see what happens...by the way i did try it on my other comp m/b Gigabyte M78SM-S2H HTPC got it to 3.2ghz without voltage bump...amazing CPU!!
Get Vista, problem solved. ;)

I've been through 3 complete (CPU, mobo, vid card, ram) hardware upgrades and am still on the same install of Vista without a single problem. That's the one thing MS got right with Vista at least.

Thanx for telling me/us that!! Vista 32-bit does this too?? I won't move to 64-bit just yet, but may if I get a PH2 and a free or nearly free copy of Vista 64-bit off Fleabya or from work someday. Very glad that you mentioned that. Thanx!!!
Again thanks for all the help will definitely try Window Repair and see what happens...by the way i did try it on my other comp m/b Gigabyte M78SM-S2H HTPC got it to 3.2ghz without voltage bump...amazing CPU!!

Yeah, you're welcome. Sometimes it works and sometimes it fdoesn't and sometimes some people that are lucky don't even have to use Win. Repair. Read up on using Win. Repair at Intel main site and on some forums because it gets a little tricky and long.
Thanx for telling me/us that!! Vista 32-bit does this too?? I won't move to 64-bit just yet, but may if I get a PH2 and a free or nearly free copy of Vista 64-bit off Fleabya or from work someday. Very glad that you mentioned that. Thanx!!!

Yup. I'm running 32bit, same install since launch. :)
Christof139...tried 5x to window repair and same spot same result comp just completely stallson the 34 min mark...bummer:( any other idea besides window repair or fresh install?
Time to nuke and pave man! Backup and reinstall windows, only takes an hour or two to get windows setup, then the tedious task of reinstalling games. >.<
The first step is to find out if this is a hardware or software issue. Start the troubleshoot by booting into safe mode by tapping F8.If you can get into safe mode without an issue, it is most likely a windows problem. If you cannot get into safe mode you probably have a hardware issue.
Did you reset all to default after updating the bios? Could be your new Deneb doesn't like the old Agena settings. The board doesn't happen to have ACC does it? If so, make sure it's disabled.......Deneb doesn't play well with ACC.:D
Christof139...tried 5x to window repair and same spot same result comp just completely stallson the 34 min mark...bummer:( any other idea besides window repair or fresh install?

Hmmmm??? You can do Windows Repair at boot-up by using chkdsk /p then chkdsk /r (I think it is /r, I have the instructions, or rather part of the instructions at work so I have to look today, but that is what I did). However, I do belive you can run Win. Repair once you're into Windows and I did that Monday, but since you can't get into Windows are you sure you did the repair thing correctly?? I will find what I have at work for you today if you care to wait a bit. I couldn't get it to work once or twicw either.
RiverRicer...no the board does not have ACC in bios
Christof139...i'm pretty sure i did win repair correctly and also did chkdsk the first and last time i got into windows but i do have time to wait and appreciate all the help. if all fail i will get myself a Gigabyte board 780g for htpc use with x3 720 chip (but i would rather use x3 in the gamers comp than the htpc)