Upgrade for a GeForce 2 MX


Limp Gawd
Nov 6, 2002
Greetings -- My Bro has a nice old rig (P3 1Ghz, 512 PC133). Unfortunatly, he has a Nvidia GeForce 2 MX (32Mb). Mostly he using his system for internet, email, MP3s, and digital photos. For some time he has been playing classic games like Close Combat I-IV with success, but now he is looking to play Rise of Nations and is looking forward to Empire Earth II. I suggested that he might want to upgrade his system, but he would prefer to keep what he has as it preforms fine for him. Instead, I was thinking I would get him a video card that might make his gaming time more enjoyable. No sense in buying a 6800 here, but what might be a good upgrade considering the system spec and the normal use of the rig? He does not play FPS, nor any graphically intense games that I know of. What card would suit his use and be a great upgrade to fit his system? Thanks in advance.