Updated ATI 5870 Bios

I have had that problem with a few bios.s not loading the driver ..the asus bios work for me but the msi bios didnt.. tried 5 ways to load the driver , went back to asus bios and driver loads .
I have had that problem with a few bios.s not loading the driver ..the asus bios work for me but the msi bios didnt.. tried 5 ways to load the driver , went back to asus bios and driver loads .

Why use the MSI bios instead of the Asus?
Uhh.. if its workign fine with the Asus why bother with the MSI? That was kinda my point.

because he wanted to see if it would work better/overclock better with the MSI bios.. duh.. if its not going to break anything important why not try it.. no reason to get all worked up about it..
because he wanted to see if it would work better/overclock better with the MSI bios.. duh.. if its not going to break anything important why not try it.. no reason to get all worked up about it..

Its not gonna help overclocks DUH! Basically they are all the same bios with some having the CCC unlocked for higher overclocking ability. Its not magic! :rolleyes:

Back to the Topic.. heard rumor this bios sets the default voltage higher in 3d mode. Was curious if this was true and if the voltage was set higher in 2d mode as well. This might fix some of the 2d issues some users are having.
I have had that problem with a few bios.s not loading the driver ..the asus bios work for me but the msi bios didnt.. tried 5 ways to load the driver , went back to asus bios and driver loads .

can confirm Asus bios flashed on Sapphire HD5870 works flawlessly for my 3x HD5870 Sapphires.
I played around alot with my old 4870 bios, but I don't think I need to do anything with what I have. It is so fast it really wouldn't make sense.