Updated 3DFX Driver Released – yes, 3DFX

Question is this: Would there be a market nowadays for a 3dfx line from Nvidia? What I mean is, is if Nvidia released a seperate 3dfx line of video cards under the Voodoo name would there be enough interest in that line with sales? This is possible considering Nvidia owns all the rights to the name voodoo right?
If they were better than the NVIDIA counterparts, sure. 3Dfx no longer has much brand recognition with the mainstream market, however, whereas NVIDIA is something of a household name at this point (relatively speaking).

Not a chance in hell. The voodoo name is not relevent anymore except for the hardcore geeks who have fond memories.
Hmm? Abit and Diamond Multimedia are still kickin'.

Abit pulled out of the retail motherboard business this year. Diamond is not the original company. Sold to s3 and later some other company bought the name.
This has inspired me to put together a Voodoo pc to play some old glide games on...had a few parts lying around and will hopefully be up and running tonight.
System specs:
Asus A7V
1 ghz Athlon tbird socket 462
512 mb pc133
Voodoo 3 3000
40 gb hard drive
Sb live

Gonna install Win98SE and will try to remember some of the old tweaks for the system.
I was thinking about buying a small space heater for my home office. No I think I will just install my old voodoo banshee in my web surfing machine. hehe

Slap one of these suckers in if you want some heat!
