Update: My Broken 360


Limp Gawd
Jun 3, 2006
A while back I made a post in which I asked whether or not it was worth it to RMA my broken 360, or if I should try to sell it and salvage whatever I could from it. I was hesitant to RMA it b/c of all the horror stories I've heard about people receiving a unit that was in worse shape than their previous. The general concensus was that I was being paranoid and I should RMA it. I'd like to update this saga with my own horror story.

Got the new 360 today after about 2 weeks of being without. The previous one would work sometimes, and randomly lock up other times. When I plugged in the replacement unit, the first thing I noticed was it already had the most recent dashboard update applied to it. It might as well have had a huge sticker that said REFURB slapped on it. I pop in a game with intentions of playing for a bit to see if it was stable. Within about 10 seconds of putting in the game disc, the god damn disc drive was making a sound like a car with no power steering fluid. The sound comes and goes at random.

COMPLETELY unacceptible. I honestly cannot comprehend how a piece of shit like this left their hands and wound up in mine. MS obviously doesn't test the units they ship out or any idiot could have figured out that something was wrong with this one. I'm not sure what I want to do at this point ... I may call up MS and try to bark my way as far up the tree as possible with hopes of getting them to ship me out a new unit BEFORE I send them back mine, but part of me wants to just get rid of it all together.

Any advice appreciated, and needless to say I regret the day I ever bought this piece of shit.
mine makes the loudest noise with or with a game going. I want to rma it but im afraid of getting something worse. Sorry about your luck.
A while back I made a post in which I asked whether or not it was worth it to RMA my broken 360, or if I should try to sell it and salvage whatever I could from it. I was hesitant to RMA it b/c of all the horror stories I've heard about people receiving a unit that was in worse shape than their previous. The general concensus was that I was being paranoid and I should RMA it. I'd like to update this saga with my own horror story.

Got the new 360 today after about 2 weeks of being without. The previous one would work sometimes, and randomly lock up other times. When I plugged in the replacement unit, the first thing I noticed was it already had the most recent dashboard update applied to it. It might as well have had a huge sticker that said REFURB slapped on it. I pop in a game with intentions of playing for a bit to see if it was stable. Within about 10 seconds of putting in the game disc, the god damn disc drive was making a sound like a car with no power steering fluid. The sound comes and goes at random.

COMPLETELY unacceptible. I honestly cannot comprehend how a piece of shit like this left their hands and wound up in mine. MS obviously doesn't test the units they ship out or any idiot could have figured out that something was wrong with this one. I'm not sure what I want to do at this point ... I may call up MS and try to bark my way as far up the tree as possible with hopes of getting them to ship me out a new unit BEFORE I send them back mine, but part of me wants to just get rid of it all together.

Any advice appreciated, and needless to say I regret the day I ever bought this piece of shit.

My advice is to call back and raise hell. Not that it will help. And whatever you do, if your hard drive is working DO NOT SEND IT TO THEM. From start to finish of my support case it took 6 MONTHS to get a working and complete 360 back in my hands, and that piece of shit was loud as fuck.
Make a loud noise to MS. Make sure they know that shipping something in that condition is not acceptable and that you expect a new one. May or may not work, I don't know how strong consumer protection laws are in the US.
Yeah I still have my original HDD ... I won't let them touch that. If I were still at home, I could take a picture of the box I received the delivery in ... it looks like the UPS guys played football with it. Have there been cases where a customer received a brand new unit after raising hell?
Crap I am about to go through this myself. I may see if they will cross ship a new one to me regardless.
If I were still at home, I could take a picture of the box I received the delivery in ... it looks like the UPS guys played football with it.

Don't you think it's possible that this was the reason the refurbished unit you received isn't working? Electronics aren't tanks. They're not meant to withstand that kind of abuse.

I'd try being polite with customer service before you lose your cool. If they can't help you directly, then calmly ask to speak to their supervisor. Explain the situation and how you think this should have been avoided. Most people have preconceptions about customer service, that they exist only to screw the customer.

Just something to think about.
Don't you think it's possible that this was the reason the refurbished unit you received isn't working? Electronics aren't tanks. They're not meant to withstand that kind of abuse.

I'd try being polite with customer service before you lose your cool. If they can't help you directly, then calmly ask to speak to their supervisor. Explain the situation and how you think this should have been avoided. Most people have preconceptions about customer service, that they exist only to screw the customer.

Just something to think about.

Of course I'm not going to initiate the convo stark raving mad. :) I am fully expecting them not to cooperate with me though, and I'll be very surprised if I'm even able to talk to a supervisor, much less one who's even willing to help.

But considering the number of times I've heard of people receiving a unit with a screwed up disc drive, I'm almost certain the defect existed before it ever left their warehouse. I'd be willing to bet they throw my original broken unit up on the shelf and then ship it out to some other poor guy.
Yeah I still have my original HDD ... I won't let them touch that. If I were still at home, I could take a picture of the box I received the delivery in ... it looks like the UPS guys played football with it. Have there been cases where a customer received a brand new unit after raising hell?

Even after 4 months of raising hell the fuckers STILL didn't give me a new unit. Refurb for the lose.
A while back I made a post in which I asked whether or not it was worth it to RMA my broken 360, or if I should try to sell it and salvage whatever I could from it. I was hesitant to RMA it b/c of all the horror stories I've heard about people receiving a unit that was in worse shape than their previous. The general concensus was that I was being paranoid and I should RMA it. I'd like to update this saga with my own horror story.

Got the new 360 today after about 2 weeks of being without. The previous one would work sometimes, and randomly lock up other times. When I plugged in the replacement unit, the first thing I noticed was it already had the most recent dashboard update applied to it. It might as well have had a huge sticker that said REFURB slapped on it. I pop in a game with intentions of playing for a bit to see if it was stable. Within about 10 seconds of putting in the game disc, the god damn disc drive was making a sound like a car with no power steering fluid. The sound comes and goes at random.

COMPLETELY unacceptible. I honestly cannot comprehend how a piece of shit like this left their hands and wound up in mine. MS obviously doesn't test the units they ship out or any idiot could have figured out that something was wrong with this one. I'm not sure what I want to do at this point ... I may call up MS and try to bark my way as far up the tree as possible with hopes of getting them to ship me out a new unit BEFORE I send them back mine, but part of me wants to just get rid of it all together.

Any advice appreciated, and needless to say I regret the day I ever bought this piece of shit.

I think you got the one I sent in for repairs. Seriously.

I got mine fixed when I asked for a manager and then stuck the phone 1 inch from the screeching dvd drive.
Will they ever send you a replacement prior to you shipping your unit back to them?

Not on your life, LOL. Honestly I'm convinced the only reason I *ever* got a working unit back was because of the intervention of a couple of really good guys from MS proper. Still the service center sucked and the unit they gave me back was painfully loud, and it took forever to get it, with 2 refurbs in the queue before that one, one of which was DOA and the other of which lasted 34 *minutes* from the time I plugged it in.
It is there buisness to save money. If they can do thay by cross swapping parts they will. Sigh...

I wonder ... did any of you pay the repair fee or no?
I did not, but I have the extended warranty. I have ZERO confidence in the longevity of this box, so it was worth the 45 bucks I paid for 2 years tacked onto the end of my free one year.
Not sure how many of you have worked a Customer Service job... but from my experiences, being polite and nice... but stern, will achieve more than going off on the phone.

I and other reps would be more willing to credit ones cell phone account if they were polite, but if they were rude, it was a lot easier not giving them what they didn't want.

As for the whole, talk to CS and see if they can get you a working unit. Most CS departments just usually fill out a form which gets transferred to a warehouse. People in CS aren’t anywhere close to the actual units.

As for escalating the call, I would ask to talk to a manager, if the MGR can't help you, MGR's have MGR's... ask to talk to the shift MGR or area manager. Most of the time your ding-dong managers that watch over teams will give you what you want before getting you over to an area manager.

Good luck.

(no spell check was used, nor did I re-read through my post, so please feel free to spellcheck my work)
Weights and balances.. get a core while I can with a replacement extended warranty from BB or go through Microsoft and be out 120... hummmm...
bestbuy warranty sucks. if you bring it in for a replacement once, the warranty is over. since it's not uncommon for multiple 360s to crap out, you'd really be wasting your money on their one-time-use warranty.
Wow, I haven't had a single problem with mine since launch day, I keep it well ventilated and stands vertical or horizontal depending on my needs. Never hiccuped ever.
Good luck with your return though.

Just lucky I guess.
Don't you think it's possible that this was the reason the refurbished unit you received isn't working? Electronics aren't tanks. They're not meant to withstand that kind of abuse.

I'd try being polite with customer service before you lose your cool. If they can't help you directly, then calmly ask to speak to their supervisor. Explain the situation and how you think this should have been avoided. Most people have preconceptions about customer service, that they exist only to screw the customer.

Just something to think about.

Thats why you always use Fedex. (At least I know that our government can deliver our post and when I get my packages they aren't banged up to shit.)